Wednesday 12 January 2011

Why attempting to sell your home sucks

For my first post on here I figured I'd address something that really gets on my nerves: Selling your house.

So, for backstory, I've lived in my current house since 2001, and I like it here. My room is a decent size, the area is relatively quiet, and I know where everything is. It feels familiar. Comfortable. My mother however, disagrees, saying the house has "bad memories" and "we have to downsize". Now this is the part that puzzles me. I can understand why downsizing is necessary. After all, it's just me, my mum and my dog in our 3 bedroomed house. Therefore, it makes sense to move to a smaller home, especially since I'll probably be moving within 2 years or so. It's the bad memories argument that irritates me.

The bad memories will not go away. They are not attached to a load of bricks, and they certainly won't be suppressed just by moving slightly down the road. I just cannot understand how memories can be attached in this way to what is essentially a building. But that isn't the worst part of selling. No, the worst part is the ignorant bastards who walk into your house.

I can tolerate leaving them doors open when they leave a room. I can just about tolerate the snide comments such as "this room is quite small" or "I don't like laminate flooring". But I will not have some snobbish idiot attempting to use their vocabulary to drive down the price to an almost laughable level. Who on earth would sell a 3 bedroomed house for the same price as most 2 bedroomed houses sell for in worst parts of the city? And the worse thing is, they actually have a chance. My mum has a problem, and that is she actually still has faith in the human race. I don't think she realises that most, if not all people, are selfish bastards who will do everything they can to take from others and give nothing back. Humans are selfish in nature, and that is something we cannot avoid.

Now I'm not suggesting you embrace the selfishness of humanity. I simply suggest you do everything you can to fight for what you need, and next time someone tries to tell you different, don't let them. That isn't selfishness, that is merely looking after number 1. Just remember, number 2 may let you down, but that is irrelevant if number 1 stays strong.

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