Tuesday, 21 June 2011

WWF Smackdown - 20/01/00

WWF Smackdown - January 20th 2000

Before I start, my version of Smackdown I am watching has some segments missing, mainly recap videos and the like. This recap will be mainly matches unfortunately. Feel free to get a refund from my public relations guy. :)

- Show opens with DX backstage. HHH praises them for destroying the Acolytes on RAW. He gives the NAO the night off. He gives Xpac a match with Test, and the winner gets number 30 in the Rumble. HHH says Cactus Jack isn't in the building.

- Usual opening video.

- The Big Show comes out in a stupid jacket and hat. Big "Rocky" chants. Show says he probably should apologise for not being what the crowd wants him to be. He says he will never be The Rock. Show says he takes time out of his day to sign peoples autographs and gets booed for it. He says he knows why the crowd boos him: because the people can never be 7 foot 2, 500 pounds. He says it drives the fans nuts they can't be as dominating as him. Show tells the crowd The Rock can't win the Rumble because he has to get past him. Show says he hates The Rock. Show calls out Rock. Rock comes out on stage. Rock begins with the usual. Rock tells Show he is the most impressive physical specimen in the WWF and yet he complains and whines. Rock says there is a lesson to be learned: When you insult The Rock, you insult the people. This leaves The Rock two choices. He could go to the back, wait till Sunday and eliminate him in the Rumble. Or he could just walk down the people's ramp and kick Show's ass all over Providence. Kane comes out with Tori. She has the mic. She says it's funny that those 2 think they are the only ones capable of winning the Rumble. She says 28 others think they can win it as well. She says only Kane can win the Rumble. He starts to walk down. HHH and Steph come out to huge boos. HHH says the one thing he hates is egomaniacs. He uses the phrase "put over". He says the fact is they are all fighting for a chance to fight The Game. He says whoever wins the Rumble will be left disappointed when HHH wins at Wrestlemania. He puts Kane, Rock and Show against each other in an over-the-top rope Triple Threat Lumberjack match. Why have Lumberjacks then? Big "slut" chants for Steph. HHH: "Don't talk about Tori like that". Heh. Rock starts talking trash to HHH and Big Show sneaks up on him and attacks. Kane attacks Big Show and Rock goes and gets a chair. He takes them both out with chair shots.

Decent opening, pretty long though. Still don't get why we need lumberjacks, they don't play into the match at all.

Match #1 - Winner gets #30 at the Rumble
Xpac vs WWF Hardcore Champion Test

They lockup and Test overpowers Xpac. He peels the protective facemask off Test. Test with a back elbow and a clothesline over the top. Xpac does the old "run away and lure opponent towards you" spot and sends Test into the steps. He tosses Test back in and they brawl. Spinning sidewalk slam gets 2 for Test. Test gets a boot on a corner charge but he responds with one of his own. He slams Xpac down and goes up for the elbow. The NAO comes down and distracts the ref while one of them knocks Test off the top. Xpac hits the X factor for 3 at 2:10. He will be number #30 at the Rumble.

Match was short but decent. *

- DX celebrate backstage.

- Steve Blackman and Al Snow walk backstage. Steve tells Al not to screw up tonight. Al makes a crack about Steve's lack of personality. Heh. So true.

Match #2
Kurt Angle and The British Bulldog vs Steve Blackman and Al Snow w/ Head

Whoa, the Bulldog. Awesome. Angle has the mic. He is talking about the mystery opponent he has at the Rumble. Nice cheap heat as he calls Providence "a depressed town." Sign: Fat Dave is a virgin. Blackman and Angle start. Blackman immediately gets Angle in the corner. Belly-to-belly by Angle. He tags in the Bulldog. Back elbow by Bulldog. He goes for the running powerslam early but Blackman escapes and hits an bicycle kick. He goes up top and hits a kick to the face for the 3 at 1:13. Wow, poor Bulldog. Snow tries to celebrate but Blackman isn't biting.

Complete squash. Man, Davey Boy fell far from his peak. His downward spiral was really sad to watch until his death in 2002. Match was a DUD.

Match #3
Matt Hardy w/ Jeff Hardy and Knockers vs Dvon Dudley w/ Bubba Ray Dudley

Dvon charges in and we are underway. Announcers say Hardy's will face the Dudley's at the Rumble in a tag team table match. Hardy hits a neckbreaker for 2. Dvon gets elbowed on a corner charge. Hardy with a scoop slam and a second rope elbow for 2. Hardy misses his own corner charge and ends up on the second rope. Dvon neckbreakers him off for 2. Dvon gets sent into the corner but he lifts Hardy to the apron when he tries a corner charge. Hardy hits a nice split legged moonsault for 2. Twist of Fate hits but Bubba Ray pulls him out of the ring for the DQ at 1:42. He sends Matt into the steps and flapjacks Jeff onto the railing. ChairshotsBubba sets up 2 tables on the concrete below the stage. Dvon has Matt. Bubba grabs him and signals for the powerbomb but Jeff hits him with a chair to break it up. He hits Bubba again and he goes crashing through one of the tables! He gets Dvon and puts him on the other one. Matt charges and lands a legdrop from the stage to Dvon through the table! That was awesome.

Match was OK, post match stuff ruled. Call the match itself 3/4*.

Match #4
The Big Bossman vs Prince Albert

So who is the face in this feud? Oh fuck, Albert has a mic. Albert says Bossman taught him a lot, but tonight the student will beat the master. They brawl to start. Big shock. Shoulderblock by Albert. Bossman escapes to the outside and tries to pull Albert out, but he kicks Bossman into the announce table. He rams Bossman's back into the ringpost and gets 2 inside the ring. More brawling. Clothesline by Bossman. And yet more brawling. Albert charges Bossman in the corner and flattens him. He slingshots Bossman's neck into the second rope. They go outside and Bossman takes out the ref. The ref calls for the DQ at 2:02. They keep fighting after the match.

Match blew of course, unless you really like punches. 1/2*

- Rock is interviewed backstage by Lillian. Rock says we have a strange situation, on one hand you have a retard, and on the other hand you have Kane. Heh. Rock says he has something the others don't: The Rockbottom and the People's Elbow. He also says they will never have the Rock's fans chanting their name. He hits the catchphrase.

Match #5
Viscera vs Crash Holly

Good god, who did I piss off to have to watch a Viscera match? Another #13 vignette plays as Viscera makes his way out. Crash is immediately tossed out of the ring. Crash comes back and tries some punches. He gets pushed away. Crash goes for a headbutt. Smooth. Viscera hits his shitty spinning heel kick. Crash gets thrown into the turnbuckle a few times. Viscera charges but misses. Crash with a springboard DDT but Viscera kicks out at 2. Crash goes up and hits a springboard dropkick. He tries again and gets Samoan Dropped. Big splash misses. Crash tries a victory roll. What an idiot. He gets powerbombed. Big splash hits this time for 3 at 2:38.

This gets *, all thanks to Crash. He bumped like a pinball for Viscera here.

Match #6
Edge vs Gangrel w/ Luna

Announcers say Edge will be a judge for the swimsuit contest. This becomes important later. They lockup. Gangrel with a cheap shot and he starts working Edge in the corner. Edge counters with a back body drop and a dropkick. They botch a Irish whip sequence but they salvage it with a nice reversal sequence that ends with a Russian leg sweep by Edge for 2. Gangrel escapes outside. Edge with a big crossbody to the outside. Luna whispers something in Edge's ear and they are talking. The rest of the divas come out and all try to convince Edge they should win the swimsuit contest. Mae Young kisses Edge and he gets counted out at 2:13.

Match was just there, the finish was stupid and I had to watch Mae Young kiss Edge. DUD

Match #7 - Over-The-Top Rope Triple Threat Lumberjack match
Kane w/ Tori vs The Big Show vs The Rock

Show and Rock brawl to start. Kane and Show begin double teaming him. Kane goes after Show. They brawl. Rock DDT's Kane and goes after Show. He lays the Smackdown. Kane and Rock try to toss Show out but he escapes. They double team Show. Big double clothesline by Show. Kane with an enziguri (!) to Show and Rock slams Shows head into the mat. Big boot by Kane onto Rock. Kane works Rock over in the corner. He tries to toss him out. Kane and Show start brawling again. Big powerslam by Show. Rock goes after Show. Rock is almost tossed out but he grabs the rope and clotheslines Show down. Kane comes off the top with a clothesline. Tombstone attempt is reversed into a Russian leg sweep. Show chokeslams Rock over the top rope. He chokeslams Kane. Rock runs back in and hits a Rockbottom. Kane clotheslines Rock out again. Show charges Kane but gets tossed out at 4:09! Pretty surprised Kane won. Bossman attacks Kane from behind and all the Lumberjacks start a mass brawl in the ring.

Decent match, short but they packed a lot in and stuck to their limitations well. Solid stuff. **

- Xpac, HHH and Steph are backstage. They congratulate him on being #30.

- HHH and Steph make their way down. HHH says the Rumble makes him think of the old Rumbles. Specifically, last years Rumble (which was shit by the way). He says it was one year ago when two best friends beat the hell out of each other. He shows footage on the titantron of Mankind vs The Rock from Royal Rumble '99 in the infamous I Quit match in which Mankind was legitimately knocked unconscious and suffered several concussions. HHH says Foley's wife and kids were sat in the front row crying. HHH says they were crying because Foley is a loser and a failure. He gives Cactus Jack a warning: Don't bring your children and wife to the Rumble because what The Rock did last year is nothing compared to what HHH will do. HHH says he will love every second of it. Jack makes his way out to a huge pop. He says HHH is right, his kids did suffer at the Rumble. He says HHH is wrong, he isn't worried about them seeing what will happen to him, he is worried they will see what Jack will do to HHH. Jack says he will have some surprises at the Rumble. He says he will turn HHH into the worlds largest pincushion on Sunday. He says his kids are watching Smackdown right now, and he doesn't want to deprive them of some action. They start brawling. HHH gets Foley on the announce table but Jack low blows him and hits a piledriver through the table! He hits HHH with a chair and celebrates to end the show. HUGE sign in the crowd: HHH SUCKS JACK'S CACTUS. Nice.

Good show with plenty of wrestling and good angle development. Although I really did not need to see Bulldog get squashed like that. Oh, and Viscera fucking sucks.

See you for the last show before the Rumble, Sunday Night HeAT from the 23rd of January.

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