Monday, 24 October 2011

WWF Sunday Night HeAT - 23/01/00

Sunday Night HeAT - 23/01/00

- The usual opening video to start.

Match #1
Christian vs Steve Blackman

The commentators are discussing the rules of the Rumble. Umm, guys, I THINK people might just know the rules already. Just saying. Blackman starts with a shoulder block but misses an elbow. Christian went for a monkey flip but Blackman holds on. Blackman is dropkicked out of the ring. Back in and Blackman with some punches and chops. Christian reverses a back body drop and tosses Blackman out. Nice plancha to the outside by Christian. They fight to the apron and Blackman hits a nice gutwrench facebuster onto the ring steps. Blackman drops Christian on the barricade and poses in the ring to boos. Blackman tosses Christian back in. Irish whip into a backbreaker and he stomps away on Christian. Blackman hits the CHINLOCK OF DEATH. Christian fights out and hits a crossbody for 2. Blackman with his shitty chop to facebuster...thing he used to do. He drops some elbows. Christian gets elevated to the apron on a corner charge and tries to go up top. Blackman tries to throw him off but Christian reverses into a roll-up for 3 at 4:05. Al Snow runs in after the match and they attack Christian. Edge runs in and makes the save.

Wasn't bad or anything, just forgettable. *1/4

- A promo airs for the Rumble, hyping up The Rock and Big Show's rivalry as well as looking back at the triple threat match from Smackdown between Kane, Big Show and Rock.

- Another video, this time it's Royal Rumble moment #1, featuring Shawn Michaels winning the match in 1995.

Match #2
The Godfather w/ Ho's, D'lo Brown w/ stupidest hat I have ever seen and Prince Albert vs. The Headbangers w/ cone shaped bras and Big Boss Man

Usual catchphrases from The Godfather. Albert is suddenly a face? How random. I should also mention the great pop D'lo got. Godfather and Bossman starts off. Bossman wants Godfather to tag in Albert and he does. Bossman then tags in Mosh and escapes. Mosh with punches in the corner. Albert throws him off and immediately hits the Baldo bomb. He tags in Godfather. Mosh gets a boot up on a corner charge and hits a clothesline. Thrasher tags in but gets clotheslined down. Leg drop by Godfather. D'lo tags in. Thrasher rakes the eyes and brings in Mosh. He runs up and gets powerslammed by D'lo. Calf kick by D'lo. Running powerbomb is reversed into a facebuster and Bossman tags in. Big boot by Bossman. Bossman with a shot to the throat and Thrasher tags in. Double clothesline and both men are down. Albert and Mosh tag in and Albert is taking everyone down. Albert goes for a press slam on Mosh but Bossman chopblocks the legs and Mosh falls on top for 3 at 3:50. Albert chases after Bossman after the bell.

Fun match, decent energy throughout. **

- Big Show is interviewed backstage by Coach. He promises to win it and looks fairly stoned. He says he got screwed out of a title rematch so he will win the Rumble and get it that way.

- Promo airs hyping up the Intercontinental title triple threat match.

- Royal Rumble moment #2 is Vince winning the Rumble from last year.

- The WWF Slam of the Week is Test winning the hardcore title.

- Cactus Jack is interviewed backstage. He says the people at home are watching the calm before the storm and that he will walk out with the title tonight.

Match #3
Edge vs. Al Snow w/ Head

This is a follow up to the situation between Blackman and Christian earlier. They lock up and Snow quickly rolls through and tries a leg lock. Edge fights out and hits a dropkick, hip toss and an arm drag in quick succession. Snow with a scoop slam and a springboard leg drop from the apron for 2. He stomps away in the corner. Edge reverses an Irish whip but gets elevated to the apron. He yanks Snow down and hits a crossbody off the top for 2. Snow beats Edge down. Edge ducks a clothesline and hits a spinning heel kick. He charges at Snow but gets tosses out of the ring. Snow rams him into the barricade. Back in, Snow hits a back elbow. Edge with some shots to the stomach but gets caught in a nice spinning neckbreaker for 2. Snow chokes Edge while he is draped over the apron. Nice counter sequence ends with Edge hitting an enziguri. Back body drop by Edge. Edge slides underneath Snow's legs while he is in the corner and pulls him crotch first into the ring post. Inverted atomic drop and clothesline gets 2. Snow has had enough of the match and hits Edge with Head for the DQ at 5:52.

Pointless finish, but the match was ok. *1/2

Decent show, was essentially a hype job for the Rumble but that is to be expected. See you next time for the Royal Rumble!

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