Tuesday 31 May 2011

WWF Smackdown - 13/01/00

WWF Smackdown - 13/01/00

- A recap video from the last episode of RAW is shown, showing the key points of the main event.

- We get the usual opening video.

- We are in Chicago Illinois for tonight's show.

- HHH and Stephanie make their way to the ring. "Asshole" chant as is the custom. Steph is on the mic and says she wants to clear up a misunderstanding. Crowd are really laying into them both, she can't even speak. She says that no WWF superstars will be leaving. She says they are confused that anyone would threaten to leave and that they are just and fair. She states only one McMahon runs this company now, and that is her. HHH gets the mic. He says after Monday he feels the need to apologise. He says he isn't apologising to the fans or the superstars who threatened to leave. He does apologise to DX however. He says it was all about tough love, and he wants to right the wrong. Tonight he will show them how sorry he is. He puts the New Age Outlaws in a handicap match against Bradshaw with No DQ. If Farooq interferes they lose their tag title shot at the Rumble. He also puts them in another handicap match against Farooq, again it's no DQ and if Bradshaw interferes they lose their title shot. He says himself and Xpac will face The Big Show and The Rock. He starts to talk about Mick Foley. He says he beat him on Monday night. He says at the Rumble he will beat Foley more than anyone has ever beat him before. He knows Foley is here and he calls him out to fight right now. Foley gets a great pop. Unfortunately it is the fake Mankind. He apologises for HHH being the best wrestler ever. HHH says he is the most pathetic person he has ever seen. The real Foley comes out to break up the parade. He says he has had enough. Big "Foley" chant. He asks HHH what more he wants from him. He reels off all the things HHH did to him. He says Mankind is entertaining, a good author and one tough S.O.B. However, he says Mankind is not ready to face HHH at the Rumble. Foley says the fans deserve a substitute on that match. His substitute is Cactus Jack! He takes off his white shirt to reveal a Cactus Jack shirt. Crowd are going apeshit for this. He gets in the ring and beats the hell out of HHH. Fake Mankind hits Jack and it has no effect. He throws Fake Mankind out the ring. He hits him with a baseball slide over the announce table. He jumps off the apron with the steel chair right into his face. He tells HHH to look into his eyes and realise that he will tear HHH apart in New York City. He says he will take the WWF title. Bang Bang!

Pretty legendary opening segment as Foley brings back his Cactus Jack persona. It really set the stage well for the Rumble.

- We look back at what happened moments ago.

Match #1
WWF Tag Team Champions The New Age Outlaws vs Bradshaw

OH YOU DIDN'T KNOW. Dogg hits the catchphrases. Bradshaw throws powder in Dogg's face to start and sends Ass over the steps. Huge big boot for Dogg and he gets clotheslined over the top. He sends him over the announce table. Ass sent headfirst into it too. He tosses the steel steps into the ring. He goes for a piledriver on the steps but Dogg hits him with a chair and Ass escapes. Ass with the steps into Bradshaw's head. They stomp him down. Bradshaw gets whacked into the steps again. Chairshot by Dogg. Bradshaw tries a comeback but gets a DDT from Road Dogg. Ass with some pretty pathetic looking punches. Dogg gets a chair kicked into his head. Mr Ass goes for a crossbody in the corner but Bradshaw catches him. Dogg hits Bradshaw with the chair and Ass lands on him for the 3 at 2:59.

More of an angle than a match. 1/4*

- Coach interviews The Rock. This should be good. Rock starts with the usual. Coach goes to ask a question and is immediately interrupted. Rock asks Coach who he is. Coach tells him his name is Jonathan Coachman. Rock welcomes him to The Rock's show. I think this was Coach's debut. Coach says his friends call him Coach and Rock cracks a joke about coaching a little girls team. Coach asks him how he feels about teaming with Big Show. Rock says it doesn't matter as long as he gets HHH. Rock does say however what better partner could he have than the 7 foot Big Show. Rock has a question for Coach: How did he come up with the nickname Coach? He goes to answer and of course it doesn't matter etc. Rock finishes with the usual.

Match #2
Too Cool and Rikishi vs Crash Holly, Hardcore Holly and Al Snow w/ Head

Snow takes 4 millenniums to get to the ring. Hardcore starts with Sexay. Shoulderblock by Holly. Sexay replies with his own. Inverted atomic drop and a clothesline for Holly. Arm drag by Sexay. Hardcore tags in Crash and he gets hiptossed. Sexay with a sit out powerbomb. Scotty tags in. Shoulderblock by Scotty. Nice pumphandle suplex by Scotty. Scotty with the bulldog and it's Worm time. The Worm hits. Snow grabs Scotty's leg and pulls him out. Into the steps and he is shoved back in. Hardcore tags in. Suplex by Holly. He goes up top and gets a boot to the face on the way down. Hot tag time and Rikishi is in. Rikishi is destroying Crash. Nice flapjack into a cutter. Kick for Snow. Hardcore with a dropkick. Rikishi no sells and hits a belly-to-belly. Rikishi Driver will get 3 at 4:15. Snow beats The Holly's after the match with Head again. This storyline is pretty funny with Snow constantly being on losing teams but never actually being pinned. Too Cool dance of course after the match.

Formula 6 man tag, but still pretty fun. *

- Backstage with DX. They notice Xpac isn't there.

- Video of Cactus Jack in Japan is played, with him getting hit with flaming bits of wood and the like.

Match #3
Gangrel w/ Luna vs Test

Test gets a good pop. He could have been pretty big if they used him right. Test with a shoulderblock. Gangrel gets his feet up on a corner charge. Nice belly-to-belly suplex by Gangrel. Test tossed outside. Luna with a few cheapshots. Scoop slam and 2 elbows gets 2 for Gangrel. Test fights back and hits a big boot. Gutwrench powerbomb but Luna distracts the ref. Gangrel with a small package for 2. Gangrel with an elbow and he has his feet on the ropes for a 2. Test with a huge full nelson suplex. Luna pulls the ref out. Luna clotheslines the ref while Test hits Gangrel with a belly-to-belly. Luna jumps on Test's back and he attempts to spank her(!) Gangrel cheapshots him and the ref calls for the DQ at 2:37. Luna slaps Test after and she gets a pumphandle slam. Test slams Gangrel and hits an elbow from the top. Test wins by DQ.

Meh. 1/2*

- Backstage with Chyna and Y2J. Chyna says she isn't upset about the match on Monday. She wants to let bygones be bygones. Jericho agrees.

- We look back at earlier with the Cactus Jack reveal.

Match #4
The Hardy Boyz w/ tits vs WWF Hardcore Champion The Big Bossman and Prince Albert

Bossman and Albert look pissed with each other before the match. Albert and Jeff start. Albert is just destroying Jeff with punches and chokes. Jeff slips out of a powerslam and tags in Matt. Double synchronised elbows gets 2. Albert with a military press into dropping Jeff on the rope. Albert hits a nice modified Canadian backbreaker of some sort. Bossman in. He just tosses Matt across the ring. He drops the leg across the back of the head while he is on the second rope. Bossman goes out and grabs Terri but Jeff saves her. Back in, Bossman goes for a powerbomb and Matt slips out into the Twist Of Fate. Hot tag and here comes Jeff. Dropkick and Albert accidentally charges Bossman in the corner. Poetry In Motion for Bossman and Albert but Bossman catches him and slam Jeff down. Bicycle kick hits on Matt but they argue and Jeff dropkicks Bossman into Albert. Jeff then rolls up Bossman from behind for the 3 at 3:24. Bossman attacks the Hardy's after and runs after Albert. They start beating each other on the outside. Hah, some refs come down and Bossman just takes one of their heads off with an uppercut. They eventually get split up.

- Earlier tonight, Big Show talks to Lilian about his match later. Show was unhappy with Rock on Monday after he said he would win the rumble. He says he will be professional tonight, but he dislikes The Rock.

- Backstage with Chyna and Tori. Chyna says they need to talk.

Match #5
Kurt Angle and Steve Blackman vs Edge and Christian

Edge and Steve start off. Edge with a dropkick after a sequence of reversals. Blackman shoves Edge down and hops up top. He missed an elbow and gets dropkicked again. Christian in. Christian leaps off Edge's back and hits a forearm for 2. Blackman tags in Angle. Christian with a hiptoss and a dropkick. Christian gets sent into the ring post. Blackman attacks Christian outside. Angle shoves him back in. Snap suplex gets 2. He locks in the CHINLOCK OF DEATH. Christian fights back up. Reverse DDT by Christian after Angle tried the Olympic Slam. Hot tag and Blackman and Edge are in. Huge bicycle kick by Blackman. Val Venis appears on the titantron. He distracts Blackman and that allows Christian to hit a missile dropkick and Edge rolls him up for 3 at 3:37.

Match was fine. *1/4

- Chyna is with Tori. Chyna tells Tori Jericho fantasises about her all the time. Tori leaves disgusted.

(I should point out at this point my version of the show has a Slim Jim commercial in it. Sadly only Macho Man's voice is heard but oh well.)

- More highlights of Cactus Jack, this time from his dumpster match with the New Age Outlaws.

Match #6
WWF Tag Team Champions The New Age Outlaws vs Farooq

OH YOU DIDN'T KNOW. AGAIN. Farooq interrupts the catchphrases. You bastard! Farooq eats boot on a corner charge but he is rolling. Powerslam for Mr Ass and spinebuster for Dogg. Mr Ass with a back suplex. Farooq shoulderblocks both of the Outlaws. Dogg escapes from a powerbomb and Mr Ass hits a jackhammer. Goldberg: GIMMICK INFRINGEMENT. EPILEPTIC KNEEDROP OF DEATH and a double cover gets 3 at 1:15? Someone actually got pinned by the EPILEPTIC KNEEDROP OF DEATH!? Weird. Bradshaw runs out with a lead pipe and cleans house.

The match was a DUD of course, but hey, remember when WWE actually spent time building tag team feuds? Now they just alternate it between random midcarders and some combination of The Nexus.

(Same Slim Jim commercial btw.)

- Backstage with DX, again no Xpac.

Match #7
The Godfather and D'lo Brown w/ Ho's vs The Headbangers w/ no bra thank Christ

D'lo looks completely ridiculous. Another #13 vignette is shown on the titantron before the match. Hmmm, how odd, the guy speaking has a New York accent. The Royal Rumble is in New York City, Madison Square Garden no less. I wonder who this could be!? Anyway, Godfather is on the mic and asks the Headbangers what the deal is with them. Mosh says they look better than the Godfathers "Trolls" do. The Ho's leave the ring. Mosh attacks D'lo and we are underway. D'lo leaps up top and hits a crossbody. 2 calf kicks connect. Godfather tags in. Mosh escapes a kick and tags in Thrasher. Godfather with comical looking punches. Seriously, they looked fucking awful. Lariat and scoop slam for Godfather. 360 leg drop and tag in to D'lo. Double suplex hits. Mosh distracts D'lo and Thrasher tosses him outside. Mosh attacks and throws him back in. Tag to Mosh and a double flapjack. Mosh misses a corner charge and a back suplex connects for D'lo. Hot tag to Godfather. Thrasher in as well. Slam for Mosh. He gets clotheslined out. Ho Train time for Thrasher. D'lo tags in and hits the Lo Down for 3 at 3:06. The Ho's come in after and celebrate.

Formula tag match. Nothing bad, nothing particularly good. 3/4*

- Backstage with Coach interviewing Rock and Show. Show tells Rock to stay out of his way. Show leaves. Rock says Show is not and will never be the People's Champion. He promises to layeth the smacketh down on their candy asses. If you smell etc

- Another look at Cactus Jack. It shows a handicap match against Terry Funk and Viscera. Lots of chair shots and garbage can shots. How the hell is Mick Foley not dead? Seriously, it amazes me.

Match #8
Kane w/ Tori vs WWF Co-Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho

Jericho has a mic. He tells Kane he has no problem wrestling him. He says Tori is a liar and that Chyna is manipulating Kane. Jericho tells Kane Tori is unattractive and you would have to be retarded to like her. This is hilarious. He is digging a pretty big hole for himself. He basically keeps insulting Tori and then states "NO I DIDN'T MEAN THAT" and then goes on to something else. Pretty funny stuff. Kane begins with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Chyna is seen backstage laughing. Jericho gets his feet up on a corner charge. Flying forearm by Jericho but he gets powerbombed hard to the mat. Clothesline from the top by Kane. He rolls outside. Kane leaps off the steps but misses. Kane tosses Jericho back in. Jericho snaps Kane's neck on the top rope and hits a springboard dropkick. Baseball slide misses and Kane hits an uppercut. Kane has the steps but they miss. Drop toe hold by Jericho and Kane hits the other set of steps. Back in, missile dropkick hits. Walls of Jericho attempt but Chyna comes down to distract him. Kane grabs Jericho and hits the chokeslam. Tombstone is signalled and that gets 3 at 3:22. Kat runs down afterwards and grabs the IC title belt.

Match was decent. *1/2

- HHH and Xpac backstage. Xpac is skeptical of HHH.

- WWF Slam of the Week shows the Pedigree through the table from RAW on Monday.

Match #9
WWF Champion Triple H w/ Stephanie McMahon Helmsley and Xpac vs The Rock and The Big Show

HHH has a mic. He guesses Rock will walk out after Show because of his ego. Show interrupts HHH with his music. HHH was right then. HHH and Show start. Show overpowers HHH. HHH fires back but gets headbutted. HHH is sent into the buckle and straight into a sidewalk slam. Show refuses to tag Rock. Xpac tries to attack Show but gets caught. Show charges them both in the corner and tosses them both across the ring. Show again ignores Rock. HHH with the facebuster. Show with a powerslam. Show signals for the chokeslam but Rock blindtags. Show is pissed. Rock lays the smackdown on HHH and Xpac. Xpac tossed out. Spinebuster for HHH. People's Elbow is interrupted by an Xpac chairshot while Show inadvertently distracted the ref. Pac tags in. Bronco buster is cut off by a huge lariat. Spinning heel kick gets 2 for Xpac. HHH tags in. HHH chokes Rock in the corner. Rock begins the comeback. Double clothesline and both men are down. Show goes to shout at Xpac and moves accidentally when Rock wants the tag. HHH drops some elbows. Xpac tags in. Big chops hit. Kicks in the corner floors Rock. HHH back in. Nice suplex for 2. Rock hits a DDT out of nowhere. Show refuses the tag and drops off the apron. He distracts the ref and HHH hits a low blow and the Pedigree for 3 at 6:27. After the match Show hits a chokeslam on The Rock.

OK main event. A strong heel turn for Show and some decent action. **

Have to say, pretty meh episode in all honesty. Pretty dull wrestling all around save for 1 or 2 matches and some of it was pure filler. Also way too many tag matches for my liking. I recommend the opening segment however, as it was a great moment to see Foley bring back the Cactus Jack gimmick. Main event was fine as well. Recommend you avoid a majority of the midcard matches though. See you soon for the January 13th HeAT.

Monday 30 May 2011

WWF RAW is WAR - 10/01/00

WWF RAW is WAR - 10/01/00

- Usual opening video to start us off.

- We are live from St. Louis Missouri.

- Pretty much the entire roster comes out to ringside to start us off. King has a heart attack when he sees Terri and her huge.....umm....yeah. The Big Show takes hours to get to the ring of course. The Rock's music hits and here is The Great One. Camera cuts backstage to DX and they have no idea what is happening. Finally come back St Louis etc. Rock says he is the spokesman for everyone at ringside. Rock claims he isn't very good at public speaking. He then calls HHH's candy ass to the ring. DX argue backstage and they refuse to go with him. Rock calls out HHH's "rootie poo candy ass" again. HHH comes out on stage with Steph. Steph has a mic and is getting the shit booed out of her. And we have a "slut" chant. Classy stuff. Steph wants to work something out. Rock offers to give Steph something she has needed for a long time: she should know her role etc. Rock says we need to talk about Mick Foley. Rock says if they don't meet his demands, every superstar will walk out and form the WRF: The World Rock Federation. Rock demands Foley is reinstated. Huge "Foley" chant. HHH reinstates him on the spot and says they were going to do it anyway. Rock has another demand: he wants to stop being put into various unfair matches. Steph says it seems fair. More "slut" chants. Rock: "Sounds like 15'000 Rock fans calling you a slut". Rock says he wants a promise that no one is fired again without "just due, jabroni". Foley's music hits and he comes out of the crowd in full Mankind attire. Foley gets on the mic. He acknowledges the dozens (and dozens) of his fans. He thanks Rock and gets in a cheap plug about Rock's new book. He condemns HHH for making fun of him and his family. Foley wants HHH at the Royal Rumble. He wants to add stipulations at a later date. He wants an answer right now. HHH agrees, and we have our main event for the PPV. Rock interrupts Foley. Rock includes himself in the Royal Rumble match. Gee, what a shock. Rock says he will take out 29 other jabroni's and will go to Wrestlemania to face YOU (points at HHH) or YOU (points at Foley). Foley hits THE CHEAP POP OF DOOM. Foley wants to talk about this evening. He suggests we have Mr Ass vs Road Dogg to find out the toughest man in the New Age Outlaws. Foley says we should find out if Xpac is tougher than HHH, so we also have Xpac vs HHH later. Xpac is shown backstage with a huge grin on his face. Rock says that they aren't finished there. He sets up a match of DX vs The Acolytes. HHH is happy about this of course. Rock says however, there is a catch. He says The Acolytes won't be alone, they will have The Rock and Sock Connection teaming with him. If you smell etc.

Long opening segment, but it served its purpose well.

- Backstage with DX after the break and they are PISSED.

- Sign: Stephanie is a slut. We get it.

Match #1
WWF Tag Team Champion Road Dogg vs WWF Tag Team Champion Mr Ass

OH YOU DIDN'T KNOW. Dogg hits the catchphrases. Sign: Break me off a piece of that Mr Ass. WHAT!? Billy Gunn looked WAY too comfortable shaking his ass. Lockup to start. Clean break and the crowd doesn't like it. Another lockup and clean break. Mr Ass cheap shots him however. Dogg sent headfirst to the 'buckle. Foot choke in the corner. Ass with the knee drop for 2. We have the NECK BREAKING CHINLOCK by Ass. Road Dogg is playing the face? Alright then. Mr Ass stops the comeback with a knee to the stomach. Dogg gets tossed out of the ring. Dogg dropped on the barrier. Dogg comes back in the ring with the Shake Rattle and Roll and hits the EPILEPTIC KNEEDROP OF DEATH for 2. Mr Ass with a jackhammer. Goldberg: GIMMICK INFRINGEMENT. Ass hits a corner splash. Fameasser is reversed into a shitty looking slam for 3 at 4:29!? What the fuck!?  Mr Ass refuses a handshake after the match.

That sucked. 1/4*

- Backstage with Mankind. He has the fake Mankind tied on a chair. He basically shouts a lot.

- Hardys and Terri backstage. They sign up for a match backstage.

Match #2
Kurt Angle and Steve Blackman vs The Hardy Boyz w/ Terri's nipples

Angle cuts a promo. He says he beats people with winning records, unlike the Rams. Angle and Matt to start. Brawling to start. Back suplex and a neckbreaker gets 2 for Matt. Jeff tagged in. Poetry In Motion connects for 2. Angle fires back and tags in Blackman. Nice sequence that ends with an Asai moonsault to the outside on Blackman. Headscissors attempt is blocked and Jeff gets swung into the steps. Ouch. That gets 2 back in the ring. Angle in. He goes for a superplex but is knocked to the apron. Dropkick connects to Angle. Matt tagged in and it's clotheslines galore. Blackman hits a nice superkick. Angle tossed out by Jeff. Blackman has his kendo stick. Jeff hits a missile dropkick from behind and Matt hits the Twist of Fate for 3 at 3:26.

That was good. *1/2

- Backstage with Mankind and the fake Mankind. More random shouting and laughing.

- Edge and Christian are backstage. They ramble.

- Jericho, Chyna and Kat are backstage. Jericho tells Chyna to sign up for a match with the Holly's.

Match #3 - WWF European Championship match
WWF European Champion Val Venis w/ A big penis vs Edge w/ Christian

Val has the mic. He mentions his sister is engaged to Edge. He says Edge cannot win the Euro title. Some vignette airs on the titantron just featuring the number 13. Gee, wonder who that is? ;) Val with the back elbow. Frankensteiner gets 2 for Edge. Edge gets the boot up on a corner charge but Val hits a spinebuster for 2. Val with the corner clotheslines for 2. Edge hits the sleeper. Val reverses into a sit out powerbomb for another 2. Val with snake eyes on the top rope for another near fall. Neckbreaker attempt reversed into a DDT by Edge. Inverted atomic drop and lariat by Edge. Big back body drop and Edge goes up top. Missile dropkick connects and Edge is rolling. Downward Spiral gets 2 thanks to a foot on the ropes. Edge accidentally spears the buckle and Fisherman's suplex will get 3 at 3:41 to retain the title. Edge shakes Val's hand after and he has the mic. He tells Val he may have been the best man tonight, but he won't be at his sisters wedding. He says Christian will be and Val seems fine with it.

Solid title match. Nothing bad, nothing amazingly good, just decent. **

- Backstage with DX. More arguing.

Match #4
WWF Co-intercontinental Champions Chris Jericho and Chyna w/ WWF Womens Champion The Kat vs Crash and Hardcore Holly

Jericho welcomes us to RAW Is Jericho. He says himself and Chyna will destroy The Holly's. He says he got a bigger response than Chyna. Chyna looks pissed at that. Y2J and Hardcore to start. Holly with the shoulderblock. Y2J with a flying forearm. Chops and the bulldog. Chyna tags in. Double back body drop hits. Crash tags in. Lariat by Chyna. TEH CLUBBING BLOWZ and a back elbow connects. Another lariat but Crash blind tags Hardcore. They hit a version of The Hart Attack and that gets 2. Hardcore with a scoop slam and a tag. Crash goes up but eats boot in the genitals. Y2J gets distracted and can't make the tag to Chyna. Falcon Arrow gets 3 at 2:50. Jericho leaves with the belt after.

Bleh. Hardcore Holly had such a crappy finisher back then. 3/4*

- Mankind and fake Mankind backstage. He chucks coffee in fake Mankind's face.

- HHH and Xpac backstage. They say nothing of note.

Match #5
Xpac vs WWF Champion Triple H w/ Stephanie McMahon Helmsley

Chain wrestling to start. HHH with the choking in the corner. Xpac with the spinning heel kick. And another. He clotheslines HHH out. Baseball slide by Xpac. Chops on the outside. Xpac gets flapjacked onto the table. Back in, HHH hits the facebuster. Pedigree attempt is reversed with the low blow. Xpac with the kicks in the corner and the Bronco Buster. He goes up top but Steph crotches him and he falls down. Pedigree will get 3 at 3:13.

Pretty much the definition of "it'll do". *

- DX complaining about HHH backstage.

Match #6
Too Cool and Rikishi vs The Headbangers and Al Snow

Mosh and Sexay start. No bra this week thank God. Sexay with the kick on a corner charge. Snow pulls Scotty off the apron. Mosh and Thrasher in with a double team. Thrasher in now with Sexay. Snow tagged in. Snow with a lariat. TEH CLUBBING BLOWZ and the tag to Thrasher. Sexay with a powerslam. Hot tag to Rikishi. Mosh in as well and he gets kicked in the face. Belly to belly for Thrasher. Banzai drop for Thrasher and Rikishi Driver for Mosh gets 3 at 2:21. Snow attacks Headbangers with Head after the match. Too Cool and The 'Kish dance to celebrate.

Match was fine. 3/4*

- Fake Mankind and Mankind again. Mankind threatens to make the fake one watch an hour of Al Snow matches. Ouch. He unties the fake one and says if he does anything again he will hunt him down. He tells him to wait in his dressing room.

Match #7
The Godfather and D'Lo Brown w/ Ridiculous attire and Ho's vs The Dudley Boyz

Godfather hits the catchphrases. Or at least, he tries to until the Dudleys interrupt. Bubba starts with Godfather. Hip toss by Godfather. D'lo tagged in. Double elbow and the calf kick. Scoop slam but leg drop misses. Powerbomb by Bubba and he hits Godfather. Ref is distracted and the testicular headbutt hits. Dvon in now. Spinning elbow hits for Dvon. Suplex gets 2. Bubba tagged in. Bubba with the slap to the chest. D'lo with Sky High. Hot tag to Godfather. Back body drop for them both. Ho Train hits on Dvon. Tag to D'lo. Lo Down interrupted by Bubba dragging Dvon out. They try to steal the Ho's and the bell rings? I'll say double countout at 3:18.

Definition of filler. 1/2*

- Mankind tries to talk to Tori. He says he loves Tori's breasts. WHAT!?

- Tori is seen with Kane. She says Mankind touched her. Kane goes into the dressing room and assaults the fake Mankind. Heh. That Mick Foley, what a smart man. He is just getting raped by Kane. He escapes outside.

- DX backstage AGAIN. More arguing.

- Promo for The Big Show airs. Lots of roaring and Chokeslams.

Match #8
Test and The Big Show vs WWF Hardcore Champion The Big Bossman and Prince Albert

So wait, Bossman cost Albert a match on HeAT and they are now partners again? Ok. Pier 6 brawl to start. Bossman and Albert get sent into each other. Albert goes for the Baldo Bomb but Show kicks Bossman into him and inadvertently breaks it up. Show tosses Bossman out and Test big boots Albert. Test goes up and hits his elbow for the 3 at 0:56. Albert and Bossman get into a shouting match but Show comes back and chokeslams both of them. You see, he's big and stuff. And a show.

Just a squash. DUD

- Backstage and the Main event is coming up. The participants are seen walking.

Match #9
WWF Champion Triple H w/ Stephanie McMahon Helmsley, WWF Tag Team Champions The New Age Outlaws and Xpac vs The Rock and Sock Connection and The Acolytes

This will be hard to call. Mr Ass and The Rock will start us off. DX are arguing in their corner. Staredown ensues. Rock immediately lays the smackdown in the corner. Neckbreaker by Ass out of nowhere. Hah, Mr Ass tells the ref to "fuck off" pretty audibly. Ass hits some big rights. Choke on the rope by Ass. Samoan drop for Ass. Dogg comes in and gets spinebustered and Mr Ass gets a Rockbottom. Xpac breaks it up and gets clotheslined over the top. Bradshaw is tagged in. TEH CLUBBING BLOWZ land but Dogg hits a flying forearm. Bradshaw destroys Road Dogg with a big boot. Dogg gets the hell out of there and tags in Xpac. He fares no better. Bradshaw misses a corner charge and gets hit with the kicks.  Crossbody is reversed into a fallaway slam. Farooq is tagged in. More CLUBBING BLOWZ. Headbutt gets 2. Spin kick by Xpac. Farooq with a huge rib breaker for 2. Rock tagged in again. Pac into the 'buckle a few times. Farooq back in. He crotch chops Xpac! Awesome. Dominator is reversed into a DDT. HHH and Mankind in. Foley all over HHH. He hits the punches and the running knee in the corner. Crowd loving it here. HHH with the facebuster. DX drop off the apron when HHH tries to tag out. HHH goes apeshit. He turns around and gets clotheslined. Rock and Acolytes brawl with DX up the ramp and to the back. Just Mankind and HHH left. Mankind hits the double arm DDT and here comes Socko. Steph grabs Foleys leg and Mankind tried to put the Mandible Claw on her but HHH stops him. HHH sends Mankind out and he checks on Steph. Mankind sent headfirst into the steps and announce table. Belt shot sends Mankind over the table. HHH on the table brawling with Mankind. Pedigree through the table! Mankind tossed back in. HHH hits the Pedigree again for 3 at 10:26. HHH attacks after the bell. Mankind responds with a forearm. Mankind is bleeding. He has the steel steps and he hits HHH right in the face. He hits him with part of the announce table. He hiptosses HHH through another part of the announce table. He tosses HHH back in the ring and hits the Cactus clothesline to the outside. HHH won the battle, but lost the war here.

Great main event, nice angle development and non stop action. ***

Show started off a little slow but quickly picked up. Good storyline with the wrestlers threatening to leave and a great main event. Not sure what the point of the Test/Show vs Bossman/Albert match was other than to tease Albert and Bossman falling out, but I don't think the crowd really cared. Overall, a good effort this week. See you for the January 13th episode of Smackdown!

Saturday 28 May 2011

WWF Sunday Night Heat - 09/01/00

WWF Sunday Night Heat - 09/01/00

- Usual opening to start.

Match #1
WWF European Champion Val Venis vs Prince Albert

Huge "shave your back" sign in the crowd. Albert with a shoulderblock to start. "Shave your back" chant as Albert hits another shoulderblock. Venis with 2 lariats that have no effect. He tries for another and gets hit with a spinning sidewalk slam. Venis sent hard into the turnbuckle. Albert with TEH CLUBBING BLOWZ. Albert locks in a bearhug. Venis fights out of it but gets locked in a sleeper. Nice sit out powerbomb by Venis to counter. Back elbow by Val. Venis hits 2 clotheslines into the corner. Bossman comes to ringside as Venis drops Albert on a scoop slam attempt and almost gets pinned. Bossman whacks Albert with his nightstick as he hits the ropes and Venis hits the Fisherman Suplex for 3 at 3:13.

Match was fine, bit slow though. 1/2*

- The Godfather vs Gangrel is coming up later.

- The Headbangers are backstage with HHH and Steph. He wants the Headbangers to take out Too Cool in a match later. I should point out Thrasher is wearing a huge bra underneath his see through shirt.

Match #2
Steve Blackman vs Buck Quartermaine

3 guesses who will win this. Buck on the attack with a snap suplex for 1. Blackman with a tilt-a-whirl faceslam and some elbows. Blackman with some chops in the corner and a foot choke. Blackman with the neck snap on the top rope. Blackman sends Buck into the corner hard. He tosses Buck outside. Blackman with TEH CLUBBERING BLOWZ and a stalling suplex on the outside. Blackman dropkicks Buck off the apron. He tosses Buck back in but Buck hits a crossbody for 1. Steve with the lariat. Scoop slam but an elbow misses and Buck goes on the attack. Blackman with a belly-to-belly suplex. A pretty crappy looking Scissor kick will get the win at 4:03. Seriously, he barely hit the guy's stomach.

Long squash was long. 1/4*

- A video for the Royal Rumble plays.

- We look back at The Godfather and Gangrel rivalry. They fight in the main event.

- Edge and Christian helpfully tell us we are watching Heat. Thanks guys.

- The slam of the week shows the "pink slip on a pole" match from the final RAW of 1999.

- The Acolytes make their way to ringside. Farooq tells the New Age Outlaws they should be scared of the Acolytes. Bradshaw gets the mic and tells Billy the last time they met the NAO bled everywhere. Bradshaw says the match at the Rumble will be about beating the hell out of them. They say they will take the belts after they destroy the NAO. They say if they aren't down with that, they have 2 words etc.

- We take a special look at Chris Jericho at some Hockey game. This video goes on way too long. Seriously, I've aged about 6 years.

- We look at HHH and Steph's conversation with the Headbangers earlier.

Match #3
Too Cool vs The Headbangers

They actually get the ref and the ring announcer to dance. Awesome. Jesus, Mosh has a bra on now as well. Headbangers attack before the bell. Sexay with a body drop on Mosh and they double team Thrasher. Synchronized elbows hit on Mosh. Thrasher tells a random guy in the crowd to shut up. Scotty and Thrasher will start us off. Scotty with some punches in the corner. He hits the bulldog and readies the Worm. Mosh in illegally and hits Scotty with a lariat. Mosh tags in. They stomp Scotty in the corner. Mosh drops his leg across Scotty's head while he is draped over the rope. Thrasher tagged in. Double front suplex by Headbangers. Sunset flip attempt is successful for 2 for Scotty. Thrasher with a lariat. Mosh tagged in. Thrasher Frankensteiners Mosh onto Scotty in a sweet double team. Mosh takes his bra off. Scotty with a back suplex and he gets the hot tag to Sexay. Thrasher in as well. Sexay is a HOUSE OF FIRE BABEH. Powerslam gets 2 before Mosh breaks it up. Scotty gets rid of Mosh. Sexay goes up top and hits his Hip Hop Leg Drop while Scotty has a bearhug for the 3 at 5:26. Headbangers attack after the bell.

Good match. *3/4

- Rock tells us we are watching Heat. Thanks Rock, I almost forgot there for a second.

- We recap RAW from last week.

Match #4
The Godfather w/ Ho's vs Gangrel

Godfather hits the catchphrases before we start. Godfather attacks before the bell. Yes, again. Godfather with the punches in the corner. Big boot followed by a big back body drop. 2 Lariats and a scoop slam by Godfather. Luna shows up and chases Godfather's Ho's away. Gangrel with a DDT for 2. Luna chokes Godfather when the ref is distracted. Gangrel with a lariat for 2. Godfather fights back but eats boot on a corner charge. Lariat by Gangrel. Crowd: We want Ho's. Classy. Gangrel with the sleeper. Godfather fights his way up. Powerslam by Godfather. He signals for The Ho Train. Luna distracts Godfather but she accidentally squirts the red liquid into Gangrel's face. Ho Train and Pimpdrop will get the 3 at 4:42. Ho's come down with Godfather to celebrate.

Pretty meh match in all honesty. 3/4*

- We end with a recap of 1999. It would be remiss if I didn't quote this fantastic line from JR: "THE ROCK JUST SHOVED BILLY GUNN'S FACE INTO THAT LARGE WOMAN'S ASS!" Also a nice ten bell salute for Owen Hart at the end of the video as well.

Decent episode. The tag match was fun and I loved the 1999 recap at the end. Next post will be the January 10th edition of RAW. See you then!

Friday 27 May 2011

WWF Smackdown - 6/01/00

WWF Smackdown - 06/01/00

- A recap of the WWF title match between The Big Show and Triple H from RAW is shown to start off the show.

- DX and Steph are backstage. Steph is talking about how 3 people couldn't beat The Rock on RAW. She says herself and HHH are taking care of Mick Foley. Xpac takes on Big Show tonight. He isn't happy. Steph puts Mr Ass in a handicap match against The Acolytes. HHH is entering himself into a random drawing to decide his opponent for tonight.

- We get the usual Smackdown opening.

Match #1
The Big Show vs Xpac

Nice pop for Show. Show pulls Pac out of the ring and then...tosses him back in again. OK then. Show is just tossing Pac around like he is nothing. Huge chokebomb by Show. He starts treading on his face. Show pushes the ref and gets DQ'd at 1:08. Naturally the ref gets a chokeslam. Pac tries to use a chair on Show and he just punches the chair into Xpac's face. He grabs Xpac by the throat. Loads of refs come down and Show lets him go. Crowd go apeshit for Show.

Wasn't really a match, but an effective segment. DUD

- Jericho, Chyna and Kat are backstage arguing about being the co-intercontinental champions.

Match #2
Hardcore and Crash Holly vs WWF Co-Intercontinental Champions Chyna and Chris Jericho w/ WWF Women's Champion The Kat

Obviously a follow-up to the Chyna/Holly match from RAW. Sign: Y2Gay. Nice. Hardcore and Y2J start us off. Flying forearm by Y2J. Dropkick by Holly. Crash is tagged in. Crash eats boot on a corner charge. Headscissor attempt is reversed into the Walls but Hardcore breaks it up. Jericho wants a tag but Chyna refuses. Crash tagged in but he gets a double arm backbreaker for his troubles. Hardcore pulls the rope down and Jericho goes over it to the outside. Chyna helps him up but Jericho pushes her away and gets clotheslined and shoved in by Chyna. Hardcore hits the Falcon Arrow and gets the 3 at 2:27. Chyna leaves with the belt and Jericho is throwing a tantrum.

Match was good, high energy throughout. **1/4

- Oh god. Another fake Mankind segment. He is begging people to let him give them autographs and they refuse.

- HHH and Steph are backstage. Tori comes in and wants to use the bathroom? That was random.

- The Acolytes are next.

- Back from the break Road Dogg is with Steph. Steph lets him use the bathroom. Dogg walks in while Tori is using the bathroom. Kane vs Road Dogg later?

Match #3
The Acolytes vs WWF Tag Team Champion Mr Ass

Ass runs in and immediately starts getting destroyed. That Billy Gunn, what a smart man. Ass hits a DDT on Farooq but he just annihilates Ass with a clothesline. Double shoulderblock on Ass. Ass tried a clothesline on Farooq again but Bradshaw hits his Clothesline From Hell. That looked brutal. Nice back suplex/neckbreaker combo by The Acolytes. Road Dogg runs in and low blows Bradshaw for the DQ at 2:04. Dogg tries a Shake Rattle and Roll on Farooq but gets a one armed spinebuster. They fight into the crowd.

Match was basically an extended squash until the run in. That Clothesline From Hell looked awesome though. 1/2*

- Kane is in HHH and Steph's office backstage. He wants a match with Road Dogg. Poor Road Dogg.

- In the office HHH and Steph break the bad news to Road Dogg. If Mr Ass interferes he is fired. Steph claims to have no idea what happened.

Match #4
Kane w/ Tori vs Road Dogg w/ Catchphrases

OH YOU DIDN'T KNOW. Kane goes out and chases Road Dogg. He beats him outside the ring. Kane drapes Dogg's face on the barrier. Dogg goes into the ring and the bell finally rings. Dogg with some punches that have no effect. Kane goes to work in the corner. Dogg into the top turnbuckle. Kane chokes Road Dogg on the top rope. Dogg is just being destroyed. Big vertical suplex by Kane. Back elbow by Kane. Scoop slam and leg drop by Kane. Dogg making the comeback. However he gets booted in the face. Kane hits the clothesline from the top and calls for the chokeslam. Xpac comes down to ringside and distracts Kane. He goes after Pac and Dogg hits him from behind and DDT's him on the ramp. Kane gets shoved into the ring. Shake Rattle and Roll doesn't knock Kane down but a forearm does. Dogg misses the knee drop and gets a huge chokeslam. Kane signals for the Tombstone and that will get the 3 at 5:06.

Basically another extended squash. The Bout pushed the angle well enough though. 1/2*

- The Rock is pacing backstage.

- HHH and Steph are in their office and announce The Rock faces Kurt Angle.

- More fake Mankind bullshit. He is on a boat tour and ranting about how crazy he is to a kid. A fake shark makes him jump and the kids laugh at him.

Match #5
The Rock vs Kurt Angle

Amazing pop for The Great One. He hits the catchphrase. He says last week HHH threw every member of The Rootie Poo Crew at Rock but he came out on top 1....2....3. Rock declares himself The People's Champion. Rock asks the crowd if they see, taste and smell it. If you smell etc. Angle has a mic as he comes out as well. He says he stands before the crowd as an Olympic Champion and a true hero. He says he is still undefeated. He says he has intensity, integrity and intelligence. He says he should be the People's Champion. Rock has the mic back. He says Angle annoyed him. He says he is a true American hero. Rock notices his gold medals. Rock wants Angle to shine up those medals, turn them sideways, stick them up his ass etc. I wrote that before he said it. Bell finally rings and Rock takes him down with a lariat. Angle gets out of the ring to regroup. Rock follows him out and hits another lariat. Suplex on the stage is reversed by Angle and Rock hits hard on the ramp. Rock goes into the steps. Angle taunts in the ring. Big belly-to-belly gets 2. Angle with the stomps in the corner. Rock with a neckbreaker for 2. Angle hits a back suplex. Rock counters a whip into a DDT for a 2. Rock lays the Smackdown in the corner. Samoan Drop gets 2. Steve Blackman runs in and immediately gets nailed by Rock. Rock uses the kendo stick on Blackman and Angle and he is DQ'd at 3:44. Blackman gets a Rockbottom for his troubles. Angle goes nuts in the ring, celebrating as though he won another medal. Rock comes back and hits the spinebuster and The People's Elbow.

Match was fun. **

- HHH and Steph are backstage. HHH is pissed Angle is undefeated.

Match #6
Edge, Christian and Jeff Hardy w/ Terri and Matt Hardy vs Al Snow w/ Head and The Dudley Boyz

This should be good. Christian and Dvon start us off. Christian slams Dvon down and tags in Jeff but Al Snow attacks Jeff. Bubba tags in. Stalling suplex by Bubba is reversed but Bubba whips him into his own corner. Bubba counters a headscissor attempt into a slam. Al Snow runs in again and The Dudleyz hit their headbutt while the ref is distracted. Huge back body drop by Bubba to Jeff. Jeff with a Frankensteiner and in comes Edge with the hot tag. Snow in but he gets dropkicked by Christian. Jeff with a Swanton Bomb over the top to Snow. Edge spears Dvon and Christian hits a reverse DDT to Bubba and Edge hits the Downward Spiral to Dvon for the 3 at 3:09. E&C leave through the crowd. Al Snow attacks the Dudleyz with Head.

Really fun match. I love 6 man tags generally and this one was good. **1/2

- More fake Mankind, this time at Orlando theme park. The workers tell him to leave but he runs off.

Match #7
Test vs WWF Hardcore Champion The Big Bossman

On a depressing note, both of these men are dead. Test refuses a handshake and goes to work. Big rib breaker by Bossman. Bossman just throws him down. Test with a back elbow. Clothesline by Test but he gets poked in the eye and tied in the ropes. Prince Albert comes to ringside. Ref is distracted and Albert attacks Test. Bossman with a knee to the face. He drops him on the barrier outside the ring. Back in, Bossman rubs his forearm on Test's injured nose. Test fights up but eats elbow on a corner charge. Test with a big boot in reply. Test with the DDT for 2. Test eats boot on a corner charge. Test hits a powerslam but Albert is in. He hits Bossman by accident with the scissor kick and Test pins him for the 3 at 4:04. Technically Bossman should have won by DQ but oh well. Albert and Bossman argue afterwards.

Match was OK, nothing special. But then, it's the Bossman and Test so it was never going to be. *1/2

- HHH and Steph again backstage. HHH is saying Test winning was an upset. Steph tells him to make sure he wins tonight.

- More fake Mankind. Urgh. ENOUGH. He goes on the Back To The Future ride.

Match #8
The Mean Street Posse w/ No talent vs Kaientai

Posses attack before the bell. Taka hits a moonsault to the outside. Funaki locks in a chinlock to Joey Abs and Taka hits a dropkick to the face. Funaki gets his feet up on a corner charge but gets slammed off the top by Abs. Abs with a decent suplex and a gutwrench suplex for 2. Rodney tagged in with a scoop slam. Abs tagged back in. Good sit out powerbomb by Abs. Pete Gas tagged in. Gas Mask gets a 2. Rodney misses a top rope move and hits Gas. Taka comes in with a missile dropkick out of nowhere and Funaki rolls him up for 3 at 3:02. God the Posse sucked. Joey Abs was passable though.

Match was passable. *

- HHH and Steph backstage. We find out HHH's opponent next.

- Steph gets the wrestlers attention backstage. She tells them someone in that room will face HHH tonight for the title. She talks him up as having pride and spirit. She introduces HHH to them. He tells them he is proud to be champion. Headbanger Mosh is wearing the weirdest outfit I have ever seen. Steph draws out the random pick. It is.....Andre The Giant. They pick another one. This time it's The Fabulous Moolah. HHH decides to make Howard Finkel draw but he stumbles and knocks the barrow over. He picks one up off the floor. It is Rikishi. HHH is not happy. Rikishi vs HHH is next!

- Fake Mankind is outside. The real Mankind confronts him and beats the shit out of the fake one. I'm glad that shit had a payoff anyway.

Match #9
Rikishi vs WWF Champion Triple H w/ Stephanie Mcmahon Helmsley

Rikishi was OVER. Holy shit. Too Cool are told to go backstage by Rikishi, he wants to do this alone. Stephanie is doing commentary for this match. HHH attacks before the bell and works over Rikishi in the corner.  'Kish fires back with uppercuts. Big back body drop by Rikishi. HHH goes into the steps outside the ring. 'Kish with an Oklahoma slam and leg drop on the floor. 'Kish gets sent into the steps. 'Kish gets his head slammed into the table. Back in, Rikishi fires back with some rights. HHH hits the facebuster for 2. Clothesline sends Rikishi somersaulting to the mat for 2. I love Rikishi's oversell of the clohtesline. HHH sends him into the barrier. Rikishi does the same and then hits a lariat. HHH tossed back in. Rikishi hits the ass charge and a Samoan Drop for 2. Belly-to-belly suplex by Rikishi. He signals for the Banzai Drop and hits it. HHH somehow kicks out at 2. Rikishi Driver attempt is reversed. Pedigree is also reversed to a great pop. Huge superkick by Rikishi gets 2. Crowd are great here. Rikishi misses a standing Banzai Drop. Steph tosses in a chair to Rikishi and distracts the ref. Chairshot to the head only gets 2. HHH goes apeshit at the ref. HHH has the WWF title and hits Rikishi for the DQ at 7:11. Rikishi gets back up and HHH gets a chair. Chair to the back knocks him down. 'kish gets up again and HHH gets the hell out of dodge.

Match was really fun. I enjoyed it. **1/2

- Too Cool run back in and they dance to celebrate. Rikishi is getting amazing cheers from the crowd.

Good show, 9 matches in 2 hours is good and plenty of good stuff involving the likes of Edge and Christian and Rikishi. I wish the 6-man tag got more time and the fake Mankind segments weren't so plentiful, but at least the pay off was there. Keep an eye out for the next show, which will be the January 9th edition of Sunday Night HEAT. See you then!

Thursday 26 May 2011

WWF RAW is WAR Recap - 03/01/00

Yes, I know I haven't made a post in 4 months. Therefore I decided to try my hand at recapping wrestling shows. Therefore why not start with my favourite year in wrestling, 2000?

WWF RAW is WAR - January 3rd, 2000

- Usual RAW opening to start.

- RAW is live from The Rock's hometown, Miami Florida. Speaking of The Rock, he comes down to the ring to a huge pop.

- Looks like he stole Disco Inferno's suit.

- He begins his promo with the usual. He name drops the Miami Dolphins to huge boo's.

- Rock says his family are the millions (and millions) of his fans.

- Rock says he has 1 new years resolution: He will be the best WWF champion ever.

- He says he has one issue: Mick Foley.

- Rock says the way Foley was fired stunk of monkey crap.

- "Speaking of monkey crap.....HHH...."

- Rock calls him out. Rock says The Brahma Bull wants to stick his horns up HHH's candy ass.

- HHH's music hits and he comes out on stage with Stephanie. Huge heat for Trips here.

- Aaaaand the asshole chant. God I miss that chant.

- HHH says he passed an old lady in the back and she says she wants her jacket back from Rock.

- He says he would love to kick the Rock's ass in front of his fans, but he has bigger fish to fry.

- HHH has made his own resolution: He will challenge The Big Show tonight for the WWF title.

- HHH puts Rock in a handicap "you're fired" match, and Rock will be fired if he loses. To make it "fair", anyone interfering will be fired on the spot.

- Rock wants to know his opponents. Of course, he immediately interrupts HHH with the trademark "IT DOESN'T MATTER".

- HHH brings out Rock's opponents: X-Pac, Road Dogg and Mr Ass, who beat down Rock in the ring.

- HHH says Rock will get his ass kicked and fired tonight.

- We recap DX beating down Rock from moments ago.

Match #1
Too Cool w/ Rikishi vs The Dudley Boyz

Before the match the Mean Street Posse come down in their stupid sweater vests to watch the match. Sexay and Dvon start. Sexay hits a full nelson facebuster and tags in Scotty. They hit the synchronized elbows. Scotty with a bulldog and he hits The Worm. Dvon drops Scotty on the top rope and tags in Bubba. Big back body drop on Scotty. Dvon tags in and they hit a double shoulderblock. Scotty hits a boot in the corner and hits a shoulderblock from the second rope. Hot tag to Sexay and he builds momentum. Nice double DDT on the Dudleyz. The Posse run down and assault Rikishi before being run off by the Acolytes. In the ring, Bubba powerbombs Sexay and they go for the headbutt before Scotty pushes Dvon off. Rikishi superkicks Bubba for the DQ after 3:16. Rikishi hits his Rikishi Driver post match on Bubba. Too Cool dance afterwards. Just because.

Just a standard TV match. *1/4

- Interview backstage with Michael Cole and The Acolytes. They talk about kicking ass and say nothing of note.

- Backstage with HHH and Steph. Steve Blackman with his Kendo Stick walks in. HHH says if he hits Kane tonight he is fired. Steph wonders why he needed to say that, and HHH says Kane faces Angle tonight and that he wants to end Angle's winning streak.

Match #2
Kane w/ Tori vs Kurt Angle

This was during the whole "Tori is manipulating Kane" angle. Angle cuts a promo on the ramp. He tells his fans not to worry about him losing his streak, because Kane lacks integrity and intelligence. By Angle's logic, he has all 3 I's and is therefore the favourite. Kane goes out to meet Angle and it's on. He tosses Angle back in and hits a big boot. He works him over in the corner with punches and sends him into the corner. Angle runs out of the corner straight into a lariat. Kane tosses Angle outside and drops him onto the railing. Kane goes up top and hits his clothesline. Angle dodges a corner charge and attempts to punch Kane in the corner. He just pushes Angle away but misses an elbow. Dropkick to the knee and Kurt goes up top. He gets caught by the throat and gets Chokeslammed. Blackman comes to ringside and hits Angle for the DQ at 2:26. Kane is PISSED.

Match was fine, weird finish though. *

- Backstage with HHH and Steph again. Steph hints she has a plan for the Intercontinental title match later.

- We come back from break with Steph coming to ringside.

- Steph says they have a dilemma with the IC title situation.

- They show footage from Smackdown that shows a double pin situation. One ref said Chyna won, one said Jericho won.

- Steph calls out Chyna and she comes to the ring with the Women's Champion The Kat (who was banging The King at the time. Good old Jerry.)

- Steph then calls Y2J down to a good pop.

- Steph says her decision is that Jericho and Chyna are now Co-Intercontinental Champions. She explains that only one of them can defend the belt and they both lose the title if that person loses.

- Steph advises them to get along.

Match #3
Chyna vs Hardcore Holly w/ Crash

Y2J is doing commentary. Awesome. They lockup and Chyna hits some punches and kicks in the corner. She hits the handspring elbow and a DDT for 2. Jericho is ranting about conspiracies. Holly hits a huge dropkick right in Chyna's face. Holly clotheslines Chyna to the outside. Y2J is yelling at Chyna as loud as possible. Chyna tried a sunset flip and Holly reversed into a pin but the ref was distracted. Y2J cheap shots Holly and Chyna pins him for a 3 in 1:56. Jericho takes the belt with him and is shouting he never lost it. Chyna tails after him. Hardcore for some reason starts beating the shit out of Crash. I guess he really is HARDCOREZ!!!111

Match was nothing really. 1/2*

- Backstage with HHH and Steph, along with Albert and The Bossman. He tells them they will wrestle Test and 2 partners later on.

- JR and King ramble about the title match later.

- Recapping last weeks RAW and the match between Show and HHH. Foley interfered and cost HHH the match. HHH then set up a handicap match with Show vs DX. They pretty much destroyed him.

- Show is interviewed by Cole. Well, kinda, Show just shoves him away and keeps walking.

Match #4
WWF Champion The Big Show vs Triple H w/ DX and Stephanie McMahon Helmsley

Big Show comes out first for some reason. DX and Steph are all on the ramp. Show brings him in from the apron and immediately goes on the attack. HHH tries to fight back but gets headbutted. And another. And a third. Big scoop slam and an elbow for 2. HHH sucks him in and goes on the offensive with punches. Show whips HHH into the corner and he goes flying over the rope. ANOTHER headbutt on the outside. Show gets shoved over the safety rail after HHH wiggled out of a powerslam attempt. Show throws HHH over the rail but gets reversed on a whip attempt into the steps. Show goes into them hard. HHH breaks the count and knocks Show over the announce table from the apron. HHH throws him into the ring bell twice. Show gets shoved back into the ring. Facebuster and high knee gets 2 for HHH before Show kicks out with AUTHORITAH! Show begins no selling HHH and nails another headbutt. Big sidewalk slam gets a 2. Nice powerslam for 2. Show hits a chokeslam but HHH is in the ropes. Show goes up top(!) but misses an elbow drop. Pedigree attempt is reversed. Xpac distracts the ref and HHH hits a low blow into the Pedigree. HHH is your new WWF Champion at 7:07.

Match was about as good as a Big Show/HHH TV match was going to be. Although Show really needed to hit less headbutts. **

Cue overblown pyro celebration, complete with DX balloons.

- Recap of the Mankind/Rock match from last week where Mankind was "fired".

Match #5
Test, The Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young w/ Mark Henry and Harvey Wippleman vs Prince Albert and The Big Bossman

Basically a handicap match then. Test knocks down Albert and goes to work on the Bossman. Oh god. Mae Young hits a bronco buster on Bossman. Albert proceeds to stomp the shit out of her. Test attempts a fightback and powerslams Albert. He goes up top but Bossman hits him with the nightstick. Albert hits a scissor kick for 3 at 1:02.

Well, that match had a point. DUD

Mark Henry tries to attack Bossman and Albert but he gets ambushed. Test comes in with a double clothesline and they scarper. Moolah carries away Harvey Whippleman.

- DX and HHH celebrate backstage whilst Show is seen leaving the arena.

Match #6
The Acolytes vs The Mean Street Posse

Posse attack before the bell. They brawl for a while but The Dudleyz run in for the DQ at 0:31. The Posse and The Dudleyz beat down the Acolytes, complete with Dvon headbutting Farooq right in the Gentleman's Area.

Not even a match. Nice chairshot by Bubba though. DUD

- More DX celebration.

- Some weird movie is played called "Have A Bad Day". Basically it shows "Mankind" at an unemployment office. HHH is wearing a rubber nose (pff, like he needed it) and insulting him. That was it.

Match #7 - Steel Cage Match
Jeff Hardy w/ Terri and Matt Hardy vs Al Snow w/ Head

Random cage match is random. Snow immediately slams Jeff's head into the door. Snow uses a chair outside the cage before tossing him and Terri into the cage and locking the door. Hardy hits a Whisper In The Wind from the top rope and his leg drop to the groin. Snow attacks Hardy whilst he was trying to break the lock.  Terri is feeling "nippy" tonight :). Snow tosses Hardy into the cage a few times and hits a scoop slam. He goes to Pillmanize Jeff but Terri stops him. Jeff dropkicks the chair into Al's face. Jeff goes to climb out. Snow pulls him down and hits almost a modified stunner from the top of the cage. Looked awesome. Snow drops Jeff from a powerbomb position and rams the chair into Jeff. Again into the cage. Spinning heel kick by Jeff. They trade punches and Jeff hits a back body drop. Jeff attempts to escape but Snow stops him. Jeff goes headfirst into the cage like a Lawn dart. Jeff reverses a second attempt and springboards off Snow's back to escape at 6:47. Terri is stuck in the cage with Snow after the match. Matt Hardy makes the save with the chair. The crowd boo, must be lots of rednecks in attendance tonight.

Match was decent, nothing more, nothing less. **

- Part 2 of Have A Bad Day. Urgh. Mankind is now at a children's hospital trying to entertain kids. HHH is playing a doctor called "Hung Lo". Oh penis jokes. Now they are having a Karate fight. "Hung Lo" beats him up.

- Patterson and Brisco are backstage with The Rock. They pretty much are convinced Rock is fired. Cue a typical Rock rant, complete with "rootie poo candy ass" and "Jabroni".

- HHH gives DX a pep talk.


- Mankind is at a book signing and no one is there. HHH is now "B Dawg". Mankind is attacked by "B Dawg". NO MORE FUCKING MOVIE.

- More DX dick rubbing backstage. They say nothing of note until Rock runs in, clotheslines Road Dogg and runs off.

Match #8
Xpac and WWF Tag Team Champions The New Age Outlaws w/ Triple H and Stephanie McMahon Helmsley vs The Rock

HHH "forgot" to mention this is No-DQ. Rock is rolling until Mr Ass hits a Lariat. DX work over Rock on the outside. Crowd: Xpac sucks. Yep, he really does. Rock reverses a whip attempt and sends Dogg into the steps. He rams Xpac straight into the ring post but Mr Ass gets a drop toe hold. Ass drops him onto the barrier. HHH is in a leather chair on the entrance ramp. Back in the ring, Dogg is knocked down but Xpac hits a spinning heel kick for 2. The beatdown continues. Nothing but stomps and punches here folks. Dogg tries a suplex on the outside but Rock reverses. Xpac continues the beatdown on the outside. Rock fights back for a moment but Mr Ass quickly stops him and sends him over the announce table. JR is going apeshit about how unfair it is. Dogg throws him back into the ring. More punching in the corner. Rock comes out of the corner with clotheslines and DDT's Mr Ass. Samoan Drop for Xpac and spinebuster for Dogg. Rock hits The People's Elbow but Ass pulls the ref out of the ring. Kick by Xpac. Again. Learn some wrestling ffs Sean Waltman you greasy haired shit. Mr Ass hits a jackhammer. Goldberg: GIMMICK INFRINGEMENT. Bronco Buster by Xpac. Dogg gets a chair but Mick Foley comes out of nowhere and cleans house. HHH comes in and gets DESTROYED by a chairshot. Foley disappears into the crowd. Rockbottom for Mr Ass will get the 3 in 9:15.

Dragged a little but the comeback was well timed and the Foley interference was well done. I liked it. **1/4.

Decent show all in all. Some good angle development and a few solid matches. Plus a WWF title change. Can't complain. Although way too much HHH stuff and that movie was just bizarre.  Keep an eye out for my next post, which will be the January 6th edition of Smackdown. See you then!