Friday 27 May 2011

WWF Smackdown - 6/01/00

WWF Smackdown - 06/01/00

- A recap of the WWF title match between The Big Show and Triple H from RAW is shown to start off the show.

- DX and Steph are backstage. Steph is talking about how 3 people couldn't beat The Rock on RAW. She says herself and HHH are taking care of Mick Foley. Xpac takes on Big Show tonight. He isn't happy. Steph puts Mr Ass in a handicap match against The Acolytes. HHH is entering himself into a random drawing to decide his opponent for tonight.

- We get the usual Smackdown opening.

Match #1
The Big Show vs Xpac

Nice pop for Show. Show pulls Pac out of the ring and then...tosses him back in again. OK then. Show is just tossing Pac around like he is nothing. Huge chokebomb by Show. He starts treading on his face. Show pushes the ref and gets DQ'd at 1:08. Naturally the ref gets a chokeslam. Pac tries to use a chair on Show and he just punches the chair into Xpac's face. He grabs Xpac by the throat. Loads of refs come down and Show lets him go. Crowd go apeshit for Show.

Wasn't really a match, but an effective segment. DUD

- Jericho, Chyna and Kat are backstage arguing about being the co-intercontinental champions.

Match #2
Hardcore and Crash Holly vs WWF Co-Intercontinental Champions Chyna and Chris Jericho w/ WWF Women's Champion The Kat

Obviously a follow-up to the Chyna/Holly match from RAW. Sign: Y2Gay. Nice. Hardcore and Y2J start us off. Flying forearm by Y2J. Dropkick by Holly. Crash is tagged in. Crash eats boot on a corner charge. Headscissor attempt is reversed into the Walls but Hardcore breaks it up. Jericho wants a tag but Chyna refuses. Crash tagged in but he gets a double arm backbreaker for his troubles. Hardcore pulls the rope down and Jericho goes over it to the outside. Chyna helps him up but Jericho pushes her away and gets clotheslined and shoved in by Chyna. Hardcore hits the Falcon Arrow and gets the 3 at 2:27. Chyna leaves with the belt and Jericho is throwing a tantrum.

Match was good, high energy throughout. **1/4

- Oh god. Another fake Mankind segment. He is begging people to let him give them autographs and they refuse.

- HHH and Steph are backstage. Tori comes in and wants to use the bathroom? That was random.

- The Acolytes are next.

- Back from the break Road Dogg is with Steph. Steph lets him use the bathroom. Dogg walks in while Tori is using the bathroom. Kane vs Road Dogg later?

Match #3
The Acolytes vs WWF Tag Team Champion Mr Ass

Ass runs in and immediately starts getting destroyed. That Billy Gunn, what a smart man. Ass hits a DDT on Farooq but he just annihilates Ass with a clothesline. Double shoulderblock on Ass. Ass tried a clothesline on Farooq again but Bradshaw hits his Clothesline From Hell. That looked brutal. Nice back suplex/neckbreaker combo by The Acolytes. Road Dogg runs in and low blows Bradshaw for the DQ at 2:04. Dogg tries a Shake Rattle and Roll on Farooq but gets a one armed spinebuster. They fight into the crowd.

Match was basically an extended squash until the run in. That Clothesline From Hell looked awesome though. 1/2*

- Kane is in HHH and Steph's office backstage. He wants a match with Road Dogg. Poor Road Dogg.

- In the office HHH and Steph break the bad news to Road Dogg. If Mr Ass interferes he is fired. Steph claims to have no idea what happened.

Match #4
Kane w/ Tori vs Road Dogg w/ Catchphrases

OH YOU DIDN'T KNOW. Kane goes out and chases Road Dogg. He beats him outside the ring. Kane drapes Dogg's face on the barrier. Dogg goes into the ring and the bell finally rings. Dogg with some punches that have no effect. Kane goes to work in the corner. Dogg into the top turnbuckle. Kane chokes Road Dogg on the top rope. Dogg is just being destroyed. Big vertical suplex by Kane. Back elbow by Kane. Scoop slam and leg drop by Kane. Dogg making the comeback. However he gets booted in the face. Kane hits the clothesline from the top and calls for the chokeslam. Xpac comes down to ringside and distracts Kane. He goes after Pac and Dogg hits him from behind and DDT's him on the ramp. Kane gets shoved into the ring. Shake Rattle and Roll doesn't knock Kane down but a forearm does. Dogg misses the knee drop and gets a huge chokeslam. Kane signals for the Tombstone and that will get the 3 at 5:06.

Basically another extended squash. The Bout pushed the angle well enough though. 1/2*

- The Rock is pacing backstage.

- HHH and Steph are in their office and announce The Rock faces Kurt Angle.

- More fake Mankind bullshit. He is on a boat tour and ranting about how crazy he is to a kid. A fake shark makes him jump and the kids laugh at him.

Match #5
The Rock vs Kurt Angle

Amazing pop for The Great One. He hits the catchphrase. He says last week HHH threw every member of The Rootie Poo Crew at Rock but he came out on top 1....2....3. Rock declares himself The People's Champion. Rock asks the crowd if they see, taste and smell it. If you smell etc. Angle has a mic as he comes out as well. He says he stands before the crowd as an Olympic Champion and a true hero. He says he is still undefeated. He says he has intensity, integrity and intelligence. He says he should be the People's Champion. Rock has the mic back. He says Angle annoyed him. He says he is a true American hero. Rock notices his gold medals. Rock wants Angle to shine up those medals, turn them sideways, stick them up his ass etc. I wrote that before he said it. Bell finally rings and Rock takes him down with a lariat. Angle gets out of the ring to regroup. Rock follows him out and hits another lariat. Suplex on the stage is reversed by Angle and Rock hits hard on the ramp. Rock goes into the steps. Angle taunts in the ring. Big belly-to-belly gets 2. Angle with the stomps in the corner. Rock with a neckbreaker for 2. Angle hits a back suplex. Rock counters a whip into a DDT for a 2. Rock lays the Smackdown in the corner. Samoan Drop gets 2. Steve Blackman runs in and immediately gets nailed by Rock. Rock uses the kendo stick on Blackman and Angle and he is DQ'd at 3:44. Blackman gets a Rockbottom for his troubles. Angle goes nuts in the ring, celebrating as though he won another medal. Rock comes back and hits the spinebuster and The People's Elbow.

Match was fun. **

- HHH and Steph are backstage. HHH is pissed Angle is undefeated.

Match #6
Edge, Christian and Jeff Hardy w/ Terri and Matt Hardy vs Al Snow w/ Head and The Dudley Boyz

This should be good. Christian and Dvon start us off. Christian slams Dvon down and tags in Jeff but Al Snow attacks Jeff. Bubba tags in. Stalling suplex by Bubba is reversed but Bubba whips him into his own corner. Bubba counters a headscissor attempt into a slam. Al Snow runs in again and The Dudleyz hit their headbutt while the ref is distracted. Huge back body drop by Bubba to Jeff. Jeff with a Frankensteiner and in comes Edge with the hot tag. Snow in but he gets dropkicked by Christian. Jeff with a Swanton Bomb over the top to Snow. Edge spears Dvon and Christian hits a reverse DDT to Bubba and Edge hits the Downward Spiral to Dvon for the 3 at 3:09. E&C leave through the crowd. Al Snow attacks the Dudleyz with Head.

Really fun match. I love 6 man tags generally and this one was good. **1/2

- More fake Mankind, this time at Orlando theme park. The workers tell him to leave but he runs off.

Match #7
Test vs WWF Hardcore Champion The Big Bossman

On a depressing note, both of these men are dead. Test refuses a handshake and goes to work. Big rib breaker by Bossman. Bossman just throws him down. Test with a back elbow. Clothesline by Test but he gets poked in the eye and tied in the ropes. Prince Albert comes to ringside. Ref is distracted and Albert attacks Test. Bossman with a knee to the face. He drops him on the barrier outside the ring. Back in, Bossman rubs his forearm on Test's injured nose. Test fights up but eats elbow on a corner charge. Test with a big boot in reply. Test with the DDT for 2. Test eats boot on a corner charge. Test hits a powerslam but Albert is in. He hits Bossman by accident with the scissor kick and Test pins him for the 3 at 4:04. Technically Bossman should have won by DQ but oh well. Albert and Bossman argue afterwards.

Match was OK, nothing special. But then, it's the Bossman and Test so it was never going to be. *1/2

- HHH and Steph again backstage. HHH is saying Test winning was an upset. Steph tells him to make sure he wins tonight.

- More fake Mankind. Urgh. ENOUGH. He goes on the Back To The Future ride.

Match #8
The Mean Street Posse w/ No talent vs Kaientai

Posses attack before the bell. Taka hits a moonsault to the outside. Funaki locks in a chinlock to Joey Abs and Taka hits a dropkick to the face. Funaki gets his feet up on a corner charge but gets slammed off the top by Abs. Abs with a decent suplex and a gutwrench suplex for 2. Rodney tagged in with a scoop slam. Abs tagged back in. Good sit out powerbomb by Abs. Pete Gas tagged in. Gas Mask gets a 2. Rodney misses a top rope move and hits Gas. Taka comes in with a missile dropkick out of nowhere and Funaki rolls him up for 3 at 3:02. God the Posse sucked. Joey Abs was passable though.

Match was passable. *

- HHH and Steph backstage. We find out HHH's opponent next.

- Steph gets the wrestlers attention backstage. She tells them someone in that room will face HHH tonight for the title. She talks him up as having pride and spirit. She introduces HHH to them. He tells them he is proud to be champion. Headbanger Mosh is wearing the weirdest outfit I have ever seen. Steph draws out the random pick. It is.....Andre The Giant. They pick another one. This time it's The Fabulous Moolah. HHH decides to make Howard Finkel draw but he stumbles and knocks the barrow over. He picks one up off the floor. It is Rikishi. HHH is not happy. Rikishi vs HHH is next!

- Fake Mankind is outside. The real Mankind confronts him and beats the shit out of the fake one. I'm glad that shit had a payoff anyway.

Match #9
Rikishi vs WWF Champion Triple H w/ Stephanie Mcmahon Helmsley

Rikishi was OVER. Holy shit. Too Cool are told to go backstage by Rikishi, he wants to do this alone. Stephanie is doing commentary for this match. HHH attacks before the bell and works over Rikishi in the corner.  'Kish fires back with uppercuts. Big back body drop by Rikishi. HHH goes into the steps outside the ring. 'Kish with an Oklahoma slam and leg drop on the floor. 'Kish gets sent into the steps. 'Kish gets his head slammed into the table. Back in, Rikishi fires back with some rights. HHH hits the facebuster for 2. Clothesline sends Rikishi somersaulting to the mat for 2. I love Rikishi's oversell of the clohtesline. HHH sends him into the barrier. Rikishi does the same and then hits a lariat. HHH tossed back in. Rikishi hits the ass charge and a Samoan Drop for 2. Belly-to-belly suplex by Rikishi. He signals for the Banzai Drop and hits it. HHH somehow kicks out at 2. Rikishi Driver attempt is reversed. Pedigree is also reversed to a great pop. Huge superkick by Rikishi gets 2. Crowd are great here. Rikishi misses a standing Banzai Drop. Steph tosses in a chair to Rikishi and distracts the ref. Chairshot to the head only gets 2. HHH goes apeshit at the ref. HHH has the WWF title and hits Rikishi for the DQ at 7:11. Rikishi gets back up and HHH gets a chair. Chair to the back knocks him down. 'kish gets up again and HHH gets the hell out of dodge.

Match was really fun. I enjoyed it. **1/2

- Too Cool run back in and they dance to celebrate. Rikishi is getting amazing cheers from the crowd.

Good show, 9 matches in 2 hours is good and plenty of good stuff involving the likes of Edge and Christian and Rikishi. I wish the 6-man tag got more time and the fake Mankind segments weren't so plentiful, but at least the pay off was there. Keep an eye out for the next show, which will be the January 9th edition of Sunday Night HEAT. See you then!

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