Thursday 26 May 2011

WWF RAW is WAR Recap - 03/01/00

Yes, I know I haven't made a post in 4 months. Therefore I decided to try my hand at recapping wrestling shows. Therefore why not start with my favourite year in wrestling, 2000?

WWF RAW is WAR - January 3rd, 2000

- Usual RAW opening to start.

- RAW is live from The Rock's hometown, Miami Florida. Speaking of The Rock, he comes down to the ring to a huge pop.

- Looks like he stole Disco Inferno's suit.

- He begins his promo with the usual. He name drops the Miami Dolphins to huge boo's.

- Rock says his family are the millions (and millions) of his fans.

- Rock says he has 1 new years resolution: He will be the best WWF champion ever.

- He says he has one issue: Mick Foley.

- Rock says the way Foley was fired stunk of monkey crap.

- "Speaking of monkey crap.....HHH...."

- Rock calls him out. Rock says The Brahma Bull wants to stick his horns up HHH's candy ass.

- HHH's music hits and he comes out on stage with Stephanie. Huge heat for Trips here.

- Aaaaand the asshole chant. God I miss that chant.

- HHH says he passed an old lady in the back and she says she wants her jacket back from Rock.

- He says he would love to kick the Rock's ass in front of his fans, but he has bigger fish to fry.

- HHH has made his own resolution: He will challenge The Big Show tonight for the WWF title.

- HHH puts Rock in a handicap "you're fired" match, and Rock will be fired if he loses. To make it "fair", anyone interfering will be fired on the spot.

- Rock wants to know his opponents. Of course, he immediately interrupts HHH with the trademark "IT DOESN'T MATTER".

- HHH brings out Rock's opponents: X-Pac, Road Dogg and Mr Ass, who beat down Rock in the ring.

- HHH says Rock will get his ass kicked and fired tonight.

- We recap DX beating down Rock from moments ago.

Match #1
Too Cool w/ Rikishi vs The Dudley Boyz

Before the match the Mean Street Posse come down in their stupid sweater vests to watch the match. Sexay and Dvon start. Sexay hits a full nelson facebuster and tags in Scotty. They hit the synchronized elbows. Scotty with a bulldog and he hits The Worm. Dvon drops Scotty on the top rope and tags in Bubba. Big back body drop on Scotty. Dvon tags in and they hit a double shoulderblock. Scotty hits a boot in the corner and hits a shoulderblock from the second rope. Hot tag to Sexay and he builds momentum. Nice double DDT on the Dudleyz. The Posse run down and assault Rikishi before being run off by the Acolytes. In the ring, Bubba powerbombs Sexay and they go for the headbutt before Scotty pushes Dvon off. Rikishi superkicks Bubba for the DQ after 3:16. Rikishi hits his Rikishi Driver post match on Bubba. Too Cool dance afterwards. Just because.

Just a standard TV match. *1/4

- Interview backstage with Michael Cole and The Acolytes. They talk about kicking ass and say nothing of note.

- Backstage with HHH and Steph. Steve Blackman with his Kendo Stick walks in. HHH says if he hits Kane tonight he is fired. Steph wonders why he needed to say that, and HHH says Kane faces Angle tonight and that he wants to end Angle's winning streak.

Match #2
Kane w/ Tori vs Kurt Angle

This was during the whole "Tori is manipulating Kane" angle. Angle cuts a promo on the ramp. He tells his fans not to worry about him losing his streak, because Kane lacks integrity and intelligence. By Angle's logic, he has all 3 I's and is therefore the favourite. Kane goes out to meet Angle and it's on. He tosses Angle back in and hits a big boot. He works him over in the corner with punches and sends him into the corner. Angle runs out of the corner straight into a lariat. Kane tosses Angle outside and drops him onto the railing. Kane goes up top and hits his clothesline. Angle dodges a corner charge and attempts to punch Kane in the corner. He just pushes Angle away but misses an elbow. Dropkick to the knee and Kurt goes up top. He gets caught by the throat and gets Chokeslammed. Blackman comes to ringside and hits Angle for the DQ at 2:26. Kane is PISSED.

Match was fine, weird finish though. *

- Backstage with HHH and Steph again. Steph hints she has a plan for the Intercontinental title match later.

- We come back from break with Steph coming to ringside.

- Steph says they have a dilemma with the IC title situation.

- They show footage from Smackdown that shows a double pin situation. One ref said Chyna won, one said Jericho won.

- Steph calls out Chyna and she comes to the ring with the Women's Champion The Kat (who was banging The King at the time. Good old Jerry.)

- Steph then calls Y2J down to a good pop.

- Steph says her decision is that Jericho and Chyna are now Co-Intercontinental Champions. She explains that only one of them can defend the belt and they both lose the title if that person loses.

- Steph advises them to get along.

Match #3
Chyna vs Hardcore Holly w/ Crash

Y2J is doing commentary. Awesome. They lockup and Chyna hits some punches and kicks in the corner. She hits the handspring elbow and a DDT for 2. Jericho is ranting about conspiracies. Holly hits a huge dropkick right in Chyna's face. Holly clotheslines Chyna to the outside. Y2J is yelling at Chyna as loud as possible. Chyna tried a sunset flip and Holly reversed into a pin but the ref was distracted. Y2J cheap shots Holly and Chyna pins him for a 3 in 1:56. Jericho takes the belt with him and is shouting he never lost it. Chyna tails after him. Hardcore for some reason starts beating the shit out of Crash. I guess he really is HARDCOREZ!!!111

Match was nothing really. 1/2*

- Backstage with HHH and Steph, along with Albert and The Bossman. He tells them they will wrestle Test and 2 partners later on.

- JR and King ramble about the title match later.

- Recapping last weeks RAW and the match between Show and HHH. Foley interfered and cost HHH the match. HHH then set up a handicap match with Show vs DX. They pretty much destroyed him.

- Show is interviewed by Cole. Well, kinda, Show just shoves him away and keeps walking.

Match #4
WWF Champion The Big Show vs Triple H w/ DX and Stephanie McMahon Helmsley

Big Show comes out first for some reason. DX and Steph are all on the ramp. Show brings him in from the apron and immediately goes on the attack. HHH tries to fight back but gets headbutted. And another. And a third. Big scoop slam and an elbow for 2. HHH sucks him in and goes on the offensive with punches. Show whips HHH into the corner and he goes flying over the rope. ANOTHER headbutt on the outside. Show gets shoved over the safety rail after HHH wiggled out of a powerslam attempt. Show throws HHH over the rail but gets reversed on a whip attempt into the steps. Show goes into them hard. HHH breaks the count and knocks Show over the announce table from the apron. HHH throws him into the ring bell twice. Show gets shoved back into the ring. Facebuster and high knee gets 2 for HHH before Show kicks out with AUTHORITAH! Show begins no selling HHH and nails another headbutt. Big sidewalk slam gets a 2. Nice powerslam for 2. Show hits a chokeslam but HHH is in the ropes. Show goes up top(!) but misses an elbow drop. Pedigree attempt is reversed. Xpac distracts the ref and HHH hits a low blow into the Pedigree. HHH is your new WWF Champion at 7:07.

Match was about as good as a Big Show/HHH TV match was going to be. Although Show really needed to hit less headbutts. **

Cue overblown pyro celebration, complete with DX balloons.

- Recap of the Mankind/Rock match from last week where Mankind was "fired".

Match #5
Test, The Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young w/ Mark Henry and Harvey Wippleman vs Prince Albert and The Big Bossman

Basically a handicap match then. Test knocks down Albert and goes to work on the Bossman. Oh god. Mae Young hits a bronco buster on Bossman. Albert proceeds to stomp the shit out of her. Test attempts a fightback and powerslams Albert. He goes up top but Bossman hits him with the nightstick. Albert hits a scissor kick for 3 at 1:02.

Well, that match had a point. DUD

Mark Henry tries to attack Bossman and Albert but he gets ambushed. Test comes in with a double clothesline and they scarper. Moolah carries away Harvey Whippleman.

- DX and HHH celebrate backstage whilst Show is seen leaving the arena.

Match #6
The Acolytes vs The Mean Street Posse

Posse attack before the bell. They brawl for a while but The Dudleyz run in for the DQ at 0:31. The Posse and The Dudleyz beat down the Acolytes, complete with Dvon headbutting Farooq right in the Gentleman's Area.

Not even a match. Nice chairshot by Bubba though. DUD

- More DX celebration.

- Some weird movie is played called "Have A Bad Day". Basically it shows "Mankind" at an unemployment office. HHH is wearing a rubber nose (pff, like he needed it) and insulting him. That was it.

Match #7 - Steel Cage Match
Jeff Hardy w/ Terri and Matt Hardy vs Al Snow w/ Head

Random cage match is random. Snow immediately slams Jeff's head into the door. Snow uses a chair outside the cage before tossing him and Terri into the cage and locking the door. Hardy hits a Whisper In The Wind from the top rope and his leg drop to the groin. Snow attacks Hardy whilst he was trying to break the lock.  Terri is feeling "nippy" tonight :). Snow tosses Hardy into the cage a few times and hits a scoop slam. He goes to Pillmanize Jeff but Terri stops him. Jeff dropkicks the chair into Al's face. Jeff goes to climb out. Snow pulls him down and hits almost a modified stunner from the top of the cage. Looked awesome. Snow drops Jeff from a powerbomb position and rams the chair into Jeff. Again into the cage. Spinning heel kick by Jeff. They trade punches and Jeff hits a back body drop. Jeff attempts to escape but Snow stops him. Jeff goes headfirst into the cage like a Lawn dart. Jeff reverses a second attempt and springboards off Snow's back to escape at 6:47. Terri is stuck in the cage with Snow after the match. Matt Hardy makes the save with the chair. The crowd boo, must be lots of rednecks in attendance tonight.

Match was decent, nothing more, nothing less. **

- Part 2 of Have A Bad Day. Urgh. Mankind is now at a children's hospital trying to entertain kids. HHH is playing a doctor called "Hung Lo". Oh penis jokes. Now they are having a Karate fight. "Hung Lo" beats him up.

- Patterson and Brisco are backstage with The Rock. They pretty much are convinced Rock is fired. Cue a typical Rock rant, complete with "rootie poo candy ass" and "Jabroni".

- HHH gives DX a pep talk.


- Mankind is at a book signing and no one is there. HHH is now "B Dawg". Mankind is attacked by "B Dawg". NO MORE FUCKING MOVIE.

- More DX dick rubbing backstage. They say nothing of note until Rock runs in, clotheslines Road Dogg and runs off.

Match #8
Xpac and WWF Tag Team Champions The New Age Outlaws w/ Triple H and Stephanie McMahon Helmsley vs The Rock

HHH "forgot" to mention this is No-DQ. Rock is rolling until Mr Ass hits a Lariat. DX work over Rock on the outside. Crowd: Xpac sucks. Yep, he really does. Rock reverses a whip attempt and sends Dogg into the steps. He rams Xpac straight into the ring post but Mr Ass gets a drop toe hold. Ass drops him onto the barrier. HHH is in a leather chair on the entrance ramp. Back in the ring, Dogg is knocked down but Xpac hits a spinning heel kick for 2. The beatdown continues. Nothing but stomps and punches here folks. Dogg tries a suplex on the outside but Rock reverses. Xpac continues the beatdown on the outside. Rock fights back for a moment but Mr Ass quickly stops him and sends him over the announce table. JR is going apeshit about how unfair it is. Dogg throws him back into the ring. More punching in the corner. Rock comes out of the corner with clotheslines and DDT's Mr Ass. Samoan Drop for Xpac and spinebuster for Dogg. Rock hits The People's Elbow but Ass pulls the ref out of the ring. Kick by Xpac. Again. Learn some wrestling ffs Sean Waltman you greasy haired shit. Mr Ass hits a jackhammer. Goldberg: GIMMICK INFRINGEMENT. Bronco Buster by Xpac. Dogg gets a chair but Mick Foley comes out of nowhere and cleans house. HHH comes in and gets DESTROYED by a chairshot. Foley disappears into the crowd. Rockbottom for Mr Ass will get the 3 in 9:15.

Dragged a little but the comeback was well timed and the Foley interference was well done. I liked it. **1/4.

Decent show all in all. Some good angle development and a few solid matches. Plus a WWF title change. Can't complain. Although way too much HHH stuff and that movie was just bizarre.  Keep an eye out for my next post, which will be the January 6th edition of Smackdown. See you then!

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