Saturday 28 May 2011

WWF Sunday Night Heat - 09/01/00

WWF Sunday Night Heat - 09/01/00

- Usual opening to start.

Match #1
WWF European Champion Val Venis vs Prince Albert

Huge "shave your back" sign in the crowd. Albert with a shoulderblock to start. "Shave your back" chant as Albert hits another shoulderblock. Venis with 2 lariats that have no effect. He tries for another and gets hit with a spinning sidewalk slam. Venis sent hard into the turnbuckle. Albert with TEH CLUBBING BLOWZ. Albert locks in a bearhug. Venis fights out of it but gets locked in a sleeper. Nice sit out powerbomb by Venis to counter. Back elbow by Val. Venis hits 2 clotheslines into the corner. Bossman comes to ringside as Venis drops Albert on a scoop slam attempt and almost gets pinned. Bossman whacks Albert with his nightstick as he hits the ropes and Venis hits the Fisherman Suplex for 3 at 3:13.

Match was fine, bit slow though. 1/2*

- The Godfather vs Gangrel is coming up later.

- The Headbangers are backstage with HHH and Steph. He wants the Headbangers to take out Too Cool in a match later. I should point out Thrasher is wearing a huge bra underneath his see through shirt.

Match #2
Steve Blackman vs Buck Quartermaine

3 guesses who will win this. Buck on the attack with a snap suplex for 1. Blackman with a tilt-a-whirl faceslam and some elbows. Blackman with some chops in the corner and a foot choke. Blackman with the neck snap on the top rope. Blackman sends Buck into the corner hard. He tosses Buck outside. Blackman with TEH CLUBBERING BLOWZ and a stalling suplex on the outside. Blackman dropkicks Buck off the apron. He tosses Buck back in but Buck hits a crossbody for 1. Steve with the lariat. Scoop slam but an elbow misses and Buck goes on the attack. Blackman with a belly-to-belly suplex. A pretty crappy looking Scissor kick will get the win at 4:03. Seriously, he barely hit the guy's stomach.

Long squash was long. 1/4*

- A video for the Royal Rumble plays.

- We look back at The Godfather and Gangrel rivalry. They fight in the main event.

- Edge and Christian helpfully tell us we are watching Heat. Thanks guys.

- The slam of the week shows the "pink slip on a pole" match from the final RAW of 1999.

- The Acolytes make their way to ringside. Farooq tells the New Age Outlaws they should be scared of the Acolytes. Bradshaw gets the mic and tells Billy the last time they met the NAO bled everywhere. Bradshaw says the match at the Rumble will be about beating the hell out of them. They say they will take the belts after they destroy the NAO. They say if they aren't down with that, they have 2 words etc.

- We take a special look at Chris Jericho at some Hockey game. This video goes on way too long. Seriously, I've aged about 6 years.

- We look at HHH and Steph's conversation with the Headbangers earlier.

Match #3
Too Cool vs The Headbangers

They actually get the ref and the ring announcer to dance. Awesome. Jesus, Mosh has a bra on now as well. Headbangers attack before the bell. Sexay with a body drop on Mosh and they double team Thrasher. Synchronized elbows hit on Mosh. Thrasher tells a random guy in the crowd to shut up. Scotty and Thrasher will start us off. Scotty with some punches in the corner. He hits the bulldog and readies the Worm. Mosh in illegally and hits Scotty with a lariat. Mosh tags in. They stomp Scotty in the corner. Mosh drops his leg across Scotty's head while he is draped over the rope. Thrasher tagged in. Double front suplex by Headbangers. Sunset flip attempt is successful for 2 for Scotty. Thrasher with a lariat. Mosh tagged in. Thrasher Frankensteiners Mosh onto Scotty in a sweet double team. Mosh takes his bra off. Scotty with a back suplex and he gets the hot tag to Sexay. Thrasher in as well. Sexay is a HOUSE OF FIRE BABEH. Powerslam gets 2 before Mosh breaks it up. Scotty gets rid of Mosh. Sexay goes up top and hits his Hip Hop Leg Drop while Scotty has a bearhug for the 3 at 5:26. Headbangers attack after the bell.

Good match. *3/4

- Rock tells us we are watching Heat. Thanks Rock, I almost forgot there for a second.

- We recap RAW from last week.

Match #4
The Godfather w/ Ho's vs Gangrel

Godfather hits the catchphrases before we start. Godfather attacks before the bell. Yes, again. Godfather with the punches in the corner. Big boot followed by a big back body drop. 2 Lariats and a scoop slam by Godfather. Luna shows up and chases Godfather's Ho's away. Gangrel with a DDT for 2. Luna chokes Godfather when the ref is distracted. Gangrel with a lariat for 2. Godfather fights back but eats boot on a corner charge. Lariat by Gangrel. Crowd: We want Ho's. Classy. Gangrel with the sleeper. Godfather fights his way up. Powerslam by Godfather. He signals for The Ho Train. Luna distracts Godfather but she accidentally squirts the red liquid into Gangrel's face. Ho Train and Pimpdrop will get the 3 at 4:42. Ho's come down with Godfather to celebrate.

Pretty meh match in all honesty. 3/4*

- We end with a recap of 1999. It would be remiss if I didn't quote this fantastic line from JR: "THE ROCK JUST SHOVED BILLY GUNN'S FACE INTO THAT LARGE WOMAN'S ASS!" Also a nice ten bell salute for Owen Hart at the end of the video as well.

Decent episode. The tag match was fun and I loved the 1999 recap at the end. Next post will be the January 10th edition of RAW. See you then!

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