Monday 30 May 2011

WWF RAW is WAR - 10/01/00

WWF RAW is WAR - 10/01/00

- Usual opening video to start us off.

- We are live from St. Louis Missouri.

- Pretty much the entire roster comes out to ringside to start us off. King has a heart attack when he sees Terri and her huge.....umm....yeah. The Big Show takes hours to get to the ring of course. The Rock's music hits and here is The Great One. Camera cuts backstage to DX and they have no idea what is happening. Finally come back St Louis etc. Rock says he is the spokesman for everyone at ringside. Rock claims he isn't very good at public speaking. He then calls HHH's candy ass to the ring. DX argue backstage and they refuse to go with him. Rock calls out HHH's "rootie poo candy ass" again. HHH comes out on stage with Steph. Steph has a mic and is getting the shit booed out of her. And we have a "slut" chant. Classy stuff. Steph wants to work something out. Rock offers to give Steph something she has needed for a long time: she should know her role etc. Rock says we need to talk about Mick Foley. Rock says if they don't meet his demands, every superstar will walk out and form the WRF: The World Rock Federation. Rock demands Foley is reinstated. Huge "Foley" chant. HHH reinstates him on the spot and says they were going to do it anyway. Rock has another demand: he wants to stop being put into various unfair matches. Steph says it seems fair. More "slut" chants. Rock: "Sounds like 15'000 Rock fans calling you a slut". Rock says he wants a promise that no one is fired again without "just due, jabroni". Foley's music hits and he comes out of the crowd in full Mankind attire. Foley gets on the mic. He acknowledges the dozens (and dozens) of his fans. He thanks Rock and gets in a cheap plug about Rock's new book. He condemns HHH for making fun of him and his family. Foley wants HHH at the Royal Rumble. He wants to add stipulations at a later date. He wants an answer right now. HHH agrees, and we have our main event for the PPV. Rock interrupts Foley. Rock includes himself in the Royal Rumble match. Gee, what a shock. Rock says he will take out 29 other jabroni's and will go to Wrestlemania to face YOU (points at HHH) or YOU (points at Foley). Foley hits THE CHEAP POP OF DOOM. Foley wants to talk about this evening. He suggests we have Mr Ass vs Road Dogg to find out the toughest man in the New Age Outlaws. Foley says we should find out if Xpac is tougher than HHH, so we also have Xpac vs HHH later. Xpac is shown backstage with a huge grin on his face. Rock says that they aren't finished there. He sets up a match of DX vs The Acolytes. HHH is happy about this of course. Rock says however, there is a catch. He says The Acolytes won't be alone, they will have The Rock and Sock Connection teaming with him. If you smell etc.

Long opening segment, but it served its purpose well.

- Backstage with DX after the break and they are PISSED.

- Sign: Stephanie is a slut. We get it.

Match #1
WWF Tag Team Champion Road Dogg vs WWF Tag Team Champion Mr Ass

OH YOU DIDN'T KNOW. Dogg hits the catchphrases. Sign: Break me off a piece of that Mr Ass. WHAT!? Billy Gunn looked WAY too comfortable shaking his ass. Lockup to start. Clean break and the crowd doesn't like it. Another lockup and clean break. Mr Ass cheap shots him however. Dogg sent headfirst to the 'buckle. Foot choke in the corner. Ass with the knee drop for 2. We have the NECK BREAKING CHINLOCK by Ass. Road Dogg is playing the face? Alright then. Mr Ass stops the comeback with a knee to the stomach. Dogg gets tossed out of the ring. Dogg dropped on the barrier. Dogg comes back in the ring with the Shake Rattle and Roll and hits the EPILEPTIC KNEEDROP OF DEATH for 2. Mr Ass with a jackhammer. Goldberg: GIMMICK INFRINGEMENT. Ass hits a corner splash. Fameasser is reversed into a shitty looking slam for 3 at 4:29!? What the fuck!?  Mr Ass refuses a handshake after the match.

That sucked. 1/4*

- Backstage with Mankind. He has the fake Mankind tied on a chair. He basically shouts a lot.

- Hardys and Terri backstage. They sign up for a match backstage.

Match #2
Kurt Angle and Steve Blackman vs The Hardy Boyz w/ Terri's nipples

Angle cuts a promo. He says he beats people with winning records, unlike the Rams. Angle and Matt to start. Brawling to start. Back suplex and a neckbreaker gets 2 for Matt. Jeff tagged in. Poetry In Motion connects for 2. Angle fires back and tags in Blackman. Nice sequence that ends with an Asai moonsault to the outside on Blackman. Headscissors attempt is blocked and Jeff gets swung into the steps. Ouch. That gets 2 back in the ring. Angle in. He goes for a superplex but is knocked to the apron. Dropkick connects to Angle. Matt tagged in and it's clotheslines galore. Blackman hits a nice superkick. Angle tossed out by Jeff. Blackman has his kendo stick. Jeff hits a missile dropkick from behind and Matt hits the Twist of Fate for 3 at 3:26.

That was good. *1/2

- Backstage with Mankind and the fake Mankind. More random shouting and laughing.

- Edge and Christian are backstage. They ramble.

- Jericho, Chyna and Kat are backstage. Jericho tells Chyna to sign up for a match with the Holly's.

Match #3 - WWF European Championship match
WWF European Champion Val Venis w/ A big penis vs Edge w/ Christian

Val has the mic. He mentions his sister is engaged to Edge. He says Edge cannot win the Euro title. Some vignette airs on the titantron just featuring the number 13. Gee, wonder who that is? ;) Val with the back elbow. Frankensteiner gets 2 for Edge. Edge gets the boot up on a corner charge but Val hits a spinebuster for 2. Val with the corner clotheslines for 2. Edge hits the sleeper. Val reverses into a sit out powerbomb for another 2. Val with snake eyes on the top rope for another near fall. Neckbreaker attempt reversed into a DDT by Edge. Inverted atomic drop and lariat by Edge. Big back body drop and Edge goes up top. Missile dropkick connects and Edge is rolling. Downward Spiral gets 2 thanks to a foot on the ropes. Edge accidentally spears the buckle and Fisherman's suplex will get 3 at 3:41 to retain the title. Edge shakes Val's hand after and he has the mic. He tells Val he may have been the best man tonight, but he won't be at his sisters wedding. He says Christian will be and Val seems fine with it.

Solid title match. Nothing bad, nothing amazingly good, just decent. **

- Backstage with DX. More arguing.

Match #4
WWF Co-intercontinental Champions Chris Jericho and Chyna w/ WWF Womens Champion The Kat vs Crash and Hardcore Holly

Jericho welcomes us to RAW Is Jericho. He says himself and Chyna will destroy The Holly's. He says he got a bigger response than Chyna. Chyna looks pissed at that. Y2J and Hardcore to start. Holly with the shoulderblock. Y2J with a flying forearm. Chops and the bulldog. Chyna tags in. Double back body drop hits. Crash tags in. Lariat by Chyna. TEH CLUBBING BLOWZ and a back elbow connects. Another lariat but Crash blind tags Hardcore. They hit a version of The Hart Attack and that gets 2. Hardcore with a scoop slam and a tag. Crash goes up but eats boot in the genitals. Y2J gets distracted and can't make the tag to Chyna. Falcon Arrow gets 3 at 2:50. Jericho leaves with the belt after.

Bleh. Hardcore Holly had such a crappy finisher back then. 3/4*

- Mankind and fake Mankind backstage. He chucks coffee in fake Mankind's face.

- HHH and Xpac backstage. They say nothing of note.

Match #5
Xpac vs WWF Champion Triple H w/ Stephanie McMahon Helmsley

Chain wrestling to start. HHH with the choking in the corner. Xpac with the spinning heel kick. And another. He clotheslines HHH out. Baseball slide by Xpac. Chops on the outside. Xpac gets flapjacked onto the table. Back in, HHH hits the facebuster. Pedigree attempt is reversed with the low blow. Xpac with the kicks in the corner and the Bronco Buster. He goes up top but Steph crotches him and he falls down. Pedigree will get 3 at 3:13.

Pretty much the definition of "it'll do". *

- DX complaining about HHH backstage.

Match #6
Too Cool and Rikishi vs The Headbangers and Al Snow

Mosh and Sexay start. No bra this week thank God. Sexay with the kick on a corner charge. Snow pulls Scotty off the apron. Mosh and Thrasher in with a double team. Thrasher in now with Sexay. Snow tagged in. Snow with a lariat. TEH CLUBBING BLOWZ and the tag to Thrasher. Sexay with a powerslam. Hot tag to Rikishi. Mosh in as well and he gets kicked in the face. Belly to belly for Thrasher. Banzai drop for Thrasher and Rikishi Driver for Mosh gets 3 at 2:21. Snow attacks Headbangers with Head after the match. Too Cool and The 'Kish dance to celebrate.

Match was fine. 3/4*

- Fake Mankind and Mankind again. Mankind threatens to make the fake one watch an hour of Al Snow matches. Ouch. He unties the fake one and says if he does anything again he will hunt him down. He tells him to wait in his dressing room.

Match #7
The Godfather and D'Lo Brown w/ Ridiculous attire and Ho's vs The Dudley Boyz

Godfather hits the catchphrases. Or at least, he tries to until the Dudleys interrupt. Bubba starts with Godfather. Hip toss by Godfather. D'lo tagged in. Double elbow and the calf kick. Scoop slam but leg drop misses. Powerbomb by Bubba and he hits Godfather. Ref is distracted and the testicular headbutt hits. Dvon in now. Spinning elbow hits for Dvon. Suplex gets 2. Bubba tagged in. Bubba with the slap to the chest. D'lo with Sky High. Hot tag to Godfather. Back body drop for them both. Ho Train hits on Dvon. Tag to D'lo. Lo Down interrupted by Bubba dragging Dvon out. They try to steal the Ho's and the bell rings? I'll say double countout at 3:18.

Definition of filler. 1/2*

- Mankind tries to talk to Tori. He says he loves Tori's breasts. WHAT!?

- Tori is seen with Kane. She says Mankind touched her. Kane goes into the dressing room and assaults the fake Mankind. Heh. That Mick Foley, what a smart man. He is just getting raped by Kane. He escapes outside.

- DX backstage AGAIN. More arguing.

- Promo for The Big Show airs. Lots of roaring and Chokeslams.

Match #8
Test and The Big Show vs WWF Hardcore Champion The Big Bossman and Prince Albert

So wait, Bossman cost Albert a match on HeAT and they are now partners again? Ok. Pier 6 brawl to start. Bossman and Albert get sent into each other. Albert goes for the Baldo Bomb but Show kicks Bossman into him and inadvertently breaks it up. Show tosses Bossman out and Test big boots Albert. Test goes up and hits his elbow for the 3 at 0:56. Albert and Bossman get into a shouting match but Show comes back and chokeslams both of them. You see, he's big and stuff. And a show.

Just a squash. DUD

- Backstage and the Main event is coming up. The participants are seen walking.

Match #9
WWF Champion Triple H w/ Stephanie McMahon Helmsley, WWF Tag Team Champions The New Age Outlaws and Xpac vs The Rock and Sock Connection and The Acolytes

This will be hard to call. Mr Ass and The Rock will start us off. DX are arguing in their corner. Staredown ensues. Rock immediately lays the smackdown in the corner. Neckbreaker by Ass out of nowhere. Hah, Mr Ass tells the ref to "fuck off" pretty audibly. Ass hits some big rights. Choke on the rope by Ass. Samoan drop for Ass. Dogg comes in and gets spinebustered and Mr Ass gets a Rockbottom. Xpac breaks it up and gets clotheslined over the top. Bradshaw is tagged in. TEH CLUBBING BLOWZ land but Dogg hits a flying forearm. Bradshaw destroys Road Dogg with a big boot. Dogg gets the hell out of there and tags in Xpac. He fares no better. Bradshaw misses a corner charge and gets hit with the kicks.  Crossbody is reversed into a fallaway slam. Farooq is tagged in. More CLUBBING BLOWZ. Headbutt gets 2. Spin kick by Xpac. Farooq with a huge rib breaker for 2. Rock tagged in again. Pac into the 'buckle a few times. Farooq back in. He crotch chops Xpac! Awesome. Dominator is reversed into a DDT. HHH and Mankind in. Foley all over HHH. He hits the punches and the running knee in the corner. Crowd loving it here. HHH with the facebuster. DX drop off the apron when HHH tries to tag out. HHH goes apeshit. He turns around and gets clotheslined. Rock and Acolytes brawl with DX up the ramp and to the back. Just Mankind and HHH left. Mankind hits the double arm DDT and here comes Socko. Steph grabs Foleys leg and Mankind tried to put the Mandible Claw on her but HHH stops him. HHH sends Mankind out and he checks on Steph. Mankind sent headfirst into the steps and announce table. Belt shot sends Mankind over the table. HHH on the table brawling with Mankind. Pedigree through the table! Mankind tossed back in. HHH hits the Pedigree again for 3 at 10:26. HHH attacks after the bell. Mankind responds with a forearm. Mankind is bleeding. He has the steel steps and he hits HHH right in the face. He hits him with part of the announce table. He hiptosses HHH through another part of the announce table. He tosses HHH back in the ring and hits the Cactus clothesline to the outside. HHH won the battle, but lost the war here.

Great main event, nice angle development and non stop action. ***

Show started off a little slow but quickly picked up. Good storyline with the wrestlers threatening to leave and a great main event. Not sure what the point of the Test/Show vs Bossman/Albert match was other than to tease Albert and Bossman falling out, but I don't think the crowd really cared. Overall, a good effort this week. See you for the January 13th episode of Smackdown!

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